Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with D

Indian Boy Names with D

DaadarBoyBrother; Dear friend; Another name for God2
DaakshiBoyGolden; Son; Son of Daksh; The glorious8
DaakshitBoyLord Shiva1
DaamBoyCreature; Creation1
DaamanBoyRope; Taming; Self-controlled; Conquering; One who controls7
DaanishBoyTo be clever; Full of knowledge and wisdom; Merciful; Intelligence; Consciousness11
DaarBoyThe owner; Master; Another name for God6
DaasharathiBoyLord Rama, Son of Dasharatha9
DaavBoyWild fire; Uncontrollable; Another name for Abmni1
DaayadeshwarBoyLove of Eshwar11
DabbahBoyLatch; Door lock9
DaboorBoyMorning breeze1
DadmehrBoyLover of justice8
DaeejBoyOne who has large beautiful eyes7
DaevenBoyLittle black one6
DafiqBoyJubilant; Buoyant; Active1
DagarBoyOpen space; Battle field22
DagendraBoyGod of ways; Path9
DaghfalBoyName of ibn-hanzalah3
DahaBoyBlazing; Very bright5
DahanaBoyA Rudra2
DahbalBoyName of Wahb Ibn1
DahbanBoyGold plated3
DahhakBoyOne who laughs much6
DahiBoyLion; Rapid22
DaibBoyHappy fellow7
DainaBoyDenmark; Similar to Daniel2
DaipayanBoyWho is born in an island8
DaithyakulantakaBoyDestroyer of demons7
DaityaBoyA non Aryan6
Daitya SaiBoyNon Aryan8
DaityakaryaBoyVidhyataka destroyer of all demons activities8
DaivanshBoyFrom God’s familiy6
DaivatBoyLuck; Powerful; Divinity; Heart of the God3
DaiveyBoyDearly loved3
DaivikBoyBy the grace of God, Divine, Relating to Gods11
DaivitBoyGod’s gift11
DaivyaBoyDivine; Heavenly; Wonderful8
DaiwikBoyBy the grace of God; Divine; Relating to the God3
DaiyanBoyA mighty ruler; Judge; Guard9
DakhilBoyForeigner; Stranger9
DakshBoyCapable; Son of Lord Brahma; Fire; Gold; Talented; Excellent; Vigorous talented7
DakshakBoyAble daughter1
DaksheshBoyLord Shiva; Lord of Daksha; An epithet of Shiva3
DaksheshwarBoyLord Shiva; Lord of Daksha; An epithet of Shiva9
DakshiBoyGolden; Son; Son of Daksh; The glorious7
DakshinBoySouth direction; Clever; Competent; Talented; Sincere3
DakshinayanBoySome movement of the Sun8
DakshitBoyLord Shiva; Derived from Daksh, Daksh – competent; Adroit; Expert; Intelligent; Honest; Epithet of Som, Shiva, Vishnu, Agni9
DakshithBoyLord Shiva; Derived from Daksh, Daksh – competent; Adroit; Expert; Intelligent; Honest; Epithet of Som, Shiva, Vishnu, Agni8
DakshyaBoyCleverness; Honesty; Brilliance; Efficient6
DalBoyBlind; Group; Petal; Particle8
DalajBoyA mufti of Baghdad, Ibn Ahma1
DalajitBoyWinning over a group3
DalapathiBoyThe leader of a group9
DalbhyaBoyBelonging to wheels8
DalbinderBoyArmy of God in heaven6
DalbinderjitBoyVictorious army of God in heaven9
DalerBoyBrave; Valiant; Daring; Fearless; Bold22
DalgeetBoyTeam songs9
DalilBoyAnother name of God; Evidence; Guide2
DaljeetBoyThe conqueror of forces; Victorious army3
DaljinderBoyArmy of God in heaven5
DaljitBoyThe conqueror of forces; Victorious army2
DaljodhBoyTeam fighter9
DalpatiBoyCommander of a group9
DalpreetBoyTeams Love9
DalrajBoyArmy of the king1
DalsherBoyBold; Brave4
DalvinderBoyArmy of God in heaven8
DalynBoyTrue Love2
DamBoyCalf; Gentleness; Wife; Wealth; Residence; Self-control; To conquer9
DamanBoyRope; Taming; Self-controlled; Conquering; One who controls6
DamanjeetBoyVictory over suppression1
DamanjitBoyVictory over suppression9
DamanjotBoyLight of suppression6
DameerBoyHeart; Conscience1
DamodarBoyRope tied around Lord Krishna; A name of Lord Krishna11
DamodaraBoyDam=cord; Udara=stomach; Lord when he was tied with a rope around his waist3
DamoderBoyLord Vishnu6
DamurahBoyA sparkle of light; Fire3
DanaBoyLearned; Intelligent; Grain; Wise; Another name for God11
DaadarBoyBrother; Dear friend; Another name for God
DaakshiBoyGolden; Son; Son of Daksh; The glorious
DaakshitBoyLord Shiva
DaamBoyCreature; Creation
DaamanBoyRope; Taming; Self-controlled; Conquering; One who controls
DaanishBoyTo be clever; Full of knowledge and wisdom; Merciful; Intelligence; Consciousness
DaarBoyThe owner; Master; Another name for God
DaasharathiBoyLord Rama, Son of Dasharatha
DaavBoyWild fire; Uncontrollable; Another name for Abmni
DaayadeshwarBoyLove of Eshwar
DabbahBoyLatch; Door lock
DaboorBoyMorning breeze
DadmehrBoyLover of justice
DaeejBoyOne who has large beautiful eyes
DaevenBoyLittle black one
DafiqBoyJubilant; Buoyant; Active
DagarBoyOpen space; Battle field
DagendraBoyGod of ways; Path
DaghfalBoyName of ibn-hanzalah
DahaBoyBlazing; Very bright
DahanaBoyA Rudra
DahbalBoyName of Wahb Ibn
DahbanBoyGold plated
DahhakBoyOne who laughs much
DahiBoyLion; Rapid
DaibBoyHappy fellow
DainaBoyDenmark; Similar to Daniel
DaipayanBoyWho is born in an island
DaithyakulantakaBoyDestroyer of demons
DaityaBoyA non Aryan
Daitya SaiBoyNon Aryan
DaityakaryaBoyVidhyataka destroyer of all demons activities
DaivanshBoyFrom God’s familiy
DaivatBoyLuck; Powerful; Divinity; Heart of the God
DaiveyBoyDearly loved
DaivikBoyBy the grace of God, Divine, Relating to Gods
DaivitBoyGod’s gift
DaivyaBoyDivine; Heavenly; Wonderful
DaiwikBoyBy the grace of God; Divine; Relating to the God
DaiyanBoyA mighty ruler; Judge; Guard
DakhilBoyForeigner; Stranger
DakshBoyCapable; Son of Lord Brahma; Fire; Gold; Talented; Excellent; Vigorous talented
DakshakBoyAble daughter
DaksheshBoyLord Shiva; Lord of Daksha; An epithet of Shiva
DaksheshwarBoyLord Shiva; Lord of Daksha; An epithet of Shiva
DakshiBoyGolden; Son; Son of Daksh; The glorious
DakshinBoySouth direction; Clever; Competent; Talented; Sincere
DakshinayanBoySome movement of the Sun
DakshitBoyLord Shiva; Derived from Daksh, Daksh – competent; Adroit; Expert; Intelligent; Honest; Epithet of Som, Shiva, Vishnu, Agni
DakshithBoyLord Shiva; Derived from Daksh, Daksh – competent; Adroit; Expert; Intelligent; Honest; Epithet of Som, Shiva, Vishnu, Agni
DakshyaBoyCleverness; Honesty; Brilliance; Efficient
DalBoyBlind; Group; Petal; Particle
DalajBoyA mufti of Baghdad, Ibn Ahma
DalajitBoyWinning over a group
DalapathiBoyThe leader of a group
DalbhyaBoyBelonging to wheels
DalbinderBoyArmy of God in heaven
DalbinderjitBoyVictorious army of God in heaven
DalerBoyBrave; Valiant; Daring; Fearless; Bold
DalgeetBoyTeam songs
DalilBoyAnother name of God; Evidence; Guide
DaljeetBoyThe conqueror of forces; Victorious army
DaljinderBoyArmy of God in heaven
DaljitBoyThe conqueror of forces; Victorious army
DaljodhBoyTeam fighter
DalpatiBoyCommander of a group
DalpreetBoyTeams Love
DalrajBoyArmy of the king
DalsherBoyBold; Brave
DalvinderBoyArmy of God in heaven
DalynBoyTrue Love
DamBoyCalf; Gentleness; Wife; Wealth; Residence; Self-control; To conquer
DamanBoyRope; Taming; Self-controlled; Conquering; One who controls
DamanjeetBoyVictory over suppression
DamanjitBoyVictory over suppression
DamanjotBoyLight of suppression
DameerBoyHeart; Conscience
DamodarBoyRope tied around Lord Krishna; A name of Lord Krishna
DamodaraBoyDam=cord; Udara=stomach; Lord when he was tied with a rope around his waist
DamoderBoyLord Vishnu
DamurahBoyA sparkle of light; Fire
DanaBoyLearned; Intelligent; Grain; Wise; Another name for God

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