Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with C

350 Indian Boy Names with ‘C’ found
Showing 1 – 100 of 350

Indian Boy Names with C

CemalBoyPerfect beauty7
CeyoneBoyRising Sun4
ChaahBoyLove; Pit; Fondness; Fancy; Wish; Longing; Desired3
ChaanakyaBoySon of Chanak; Renowned Mauryan writer and politician; Author of the Arthashastra11
ChaandBoySincere wish; The Moon; To shine22
ChaaranBoyFeet; One who chants praises; Bard1
ChaaruchithraBoyOne of the Kauravas11
ChaayanBoyMoon; Collection8
ChahelBoyGood cheer1
ChahitBoyLove of Heart4
ChaidyaBoyWise; Ruler; King of Chedi6
ChainpreetBoyPeaceful Love9
ChaitanBoyConsciousness; Perception; Intelligence; Vigour; Life11
ChaitanyaBoyLife; Knowledge; Sage; Soul; Intellect; Intelligence1
ChaithanBoyConsciousness; Perception; Intelligence; Vigour; Life1
ChaithanyaBoyLife; Knowledge; Sage; Soul; Intellect; Intelligence9
ChaitnyaBoyDivine radiance; Consciousness; Life; Knowledge9
ChaityaBoyPlace of worship; Of the mind; Spirit; A stupa4
ChakBoyBrilliant; Happy; Sated5
ChakardharBoyLord Vishnu, The one who bears the Chakra1
ChakarpreetBoyLoving servant7
ChakorBoyA bird enamored of the Moon11
ChakraBoyA weapon of Lord Vishnu; Circular6
ChakradevBoyLord Vishnu, Lord of Chakra, i.e. discus, Name of Vishnu1
ChakradharBoyLord Vishnu, The one who bears the Chakra1
ChakrapaniBoyName of Lord Vishnu1
ChakravarteeBoyA sovereign king5
ChakreshBoyName of Lord Vishnu1
ChakrikBoyOne with a discus7
ChakrinBoyOne with a discus; Anthor name of Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva1
ChakshanBoyGood looking11
ChakshasBoySight; Look; Guide; Vision; Brilliance; Another name for Brihaspati; The teacher of Gods7
ChamanBoyFlower Garden22
ChamanjeetBoyVictory of garden8
ChamanpreetBoyLove for garden5
ChamanroopBoyBeautiful like a garden5
ChamkaurBoyBattle field where guru Gobind Singh fought4
ChampakBoyA flower8
ChanakBoyThe sweet sound of bangles; Miner; Digger; Mouse2
ChanakyaBoyRenowned Mauryan writer and politician; Author of the Arthashastra; Name of Kautilya, The great scholar1
ChanannBoyTo filter a substance, or to filter particles out of a substance1
ChananpreetBoyLove for the light of God6
ChanchaladwalaBoyGlittering tail suspended above the head11
ChanchaljeetBoyA victory of the lively9
ChanchalpreetBoyLove for the lively6
ChandBoySincere wish; The Moon; To shine3
ChandakBoyBrilliant; The Moon6
ChandanBoySandalwood; Auspicious; Perfumed9
ChandanbirBoySandal victory11
ChandandeepBoySandal lamp3
ChandanpalBoyPreserver of sandalwood11
ChandarBoyThe Moon4
ChandavarmanBoyAn old king1
ChandeepBoyBright of Moon.11
ChanderBoyThe Moon8
ChanderbhanBoyChander means Moon, Bhan means the Sun both meaning is energetic and peace nature6
ChanderjitBoyOne who has conquered the Moon11
ChanderjotBoyMoons light8
ChanderpreetBoyMoons Love9
ChandhuBoyThe Moon5
ChandidasBoyName of a saint9
ChandpashaBoyLovely ; Happiness3
ChandraBoyThe Moon4
Chandra BhanBoyThe Moon11
Chandra SaiBoyThe Moon6
ChandraayanBoyThe Moon9
ChandrabhaBoyLuster of Moon light6
ChandrabhanBoyThe Moon11
ChandrachurBoyLord Shiva; The Moon9
ChandradevBoyMoon God; A king8
ChandradityaBoyName of a king9
ChandraguptBoyName of an ancient king5
ChandrahaasBoySmiling like a Moon; Bow of Lord Shiva6
ChandrahasBoySmiling like a Moon; Bow of Lord Shiva5
ChandrakBoyPeacock Feather6
ChandrakantBoyBeloved by the Moon5
ChandrakantaBoyThe Moon; Moonstone; Consort of the Moon6
ChandraketuBoyMoon banner7
ChandrakirthiBoyAs famous as the Moon7
ChandrakishoreBoyThe Moon8
ChandramaBoyThe Moon9
ChandramauliBoyThe one who wears Moon on the head, Meaning Lord Shiva6
ChandramohanBoyAttractive like the Moon1
ChandramouliBoyThe one who wears Moon on the head, Meaning Lord Shiva11
CemalBoyPerfect beauty
CeyoneBoyRising Sun
ChaahBoyLove; Pit; Fondness; Fancy; Wish; Longing; Desired
ChaanakyaBoySon of Chanak; Renowned Mauryan writer and politician; Author of the Arthashastra
ChaandBoySincere wish; The Moon; To shine
ChaaranBoyFeet; One who chants praises; Bard
ChaaruchithraBoyOne of the Kauravas
ChaayanBoyMoon; Collection
ChahelBoyGood cheer
ChahitBoyLove of Heart
ChaidyaBoyWise; Ruler; King of Chedi
ChainpreetBoyPeaceful Love
ChaitanBoyConsciousness; Perception; Intelligence; Vigour; Life
ChaitanyaBoyLife; Knowledge; Sage; Soul; Intellect; Intelligence
ChaithanBoyConsciousness; Perception; Intelligence; Vigour; Life
ChaithanyaBoyLife; Knowledge; Sage; Soul; Intellect; Intelligence
ChaitnyaBoyDivine radiance; Consciousness; Life; Knowledge
ChaityaBoyPlace of worship; Of the mind; Spirit; A stupa
ChakBoyBrilliant; Happy; Sated
ChakardharBoyLord Vishnu, The one who bears the Chakra
ChakarpreetBoyLoving servant
ChakorBoyA bird enamored of the Moon
ChakraBoyA weapon of Lord Vishnu; Circular
ChakradevBoyLord Vishnu, Lord of Chakra, i.e. discus, Name of Vishnu
ChakradharBoyLord Vishnu, The one who bears the Chakra
ChakrapaniBoyName of Lord Vishnu
ChakravarteeBoyA sovereign king
ChakreshBoyName of Lord Vishnu
ChakrikBoyOne with a discus
ChakrinBoyOne with a discus; Anthor name of Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva
ChakshanBoyGood looking
ChakshasBoySight; Look; Guide; Vision; Brilliance; Another name for Brihaspati; The teacher of Gods
ChamanBoyFlower Garden
ChamanjeetBoyVictory of garden
ChamanpreetBoyLove for garden
ChamanroopBoyBeautiful like a garden
ChamkaurBoyBattle field where guru Gobind Singh fought
ChampakBoyA flower
ChanakBoyThe sweet sound of bangles; Miner; Digger; Mouse
ChanakyaBoyRenowned Mauryan writer and politician; Author of the Arthashastra; Name of Kautilya, The great scholar
ChanannBoyTo filter a substance, or to filter particles out of a substance
ChananpreetBoyLove for the light of God
ChanchaladwalaBoyGlittering tail suspended above the head
ChanchaljeetBoyA victory of the lively
ChanchalpreetBoyLove for the lively
ChandBoySincere wish; The Moon; To shine
ChandakBoyBrilliant; The Moon
ChandanBoySandalwood; Auspicious; Perfumed
ChandanbirBoySandal victory
ChandandeepBoySandal lamp
ChandanpalBoyPreserver of sandalwood
ChandarBoyThe Moon
ChandavarmanBoyAn old king
ChandeepBoyBright of Moon.
ChanderBoyThe Moon
ChanderbhanBoyChander means Moon, Bhan means the Sun both meaning is energetic and peace nature
ChanderjitBoyOne who has conquered the Moon
ChanderjotBoyMoons light
ChanderpreetBoyMoons Love
ChandhuBoyThe Moon
ChandidasBoyName of a saint
ChandpashaBoyLovely ; Happiness
ChandraBoyThe Moon
Chandra BhanBoyThe Moon
Chandra SaiBoyThe Moon
ChandraayanBoyThe Moon
ChandrabhaBoyLuster of Moon light
ChandrabhanBoyThe Moon
ChandrachurBoyLord Shiva; The Moon
ChandradevBoyMoon God; A king
ChandradityaBoyName of a king
ChandraguptBoyName of an ancient king
ChandrahaasBoySmiling like a Moon; Bow of Lord Shiva
ChandrahasBoySmiling like a Moon; Bow of Lord Shiva
ChandrakBoyPeacock Feather
ChandrakantBoyBeloved by the Moon
ChandrakantaBoyThe Moon; Moonstone; Consort of the Moon
ChandraketuBoyMoon banner
ChandrakirthiBoyAs famous as the Moon
ChandrakishoreBoyThe Moon
ChandramaBoyThe Moon
ChandramauliBoyThe one who wears Moon on the head, Meaning Lord Shiva
ChandramohanBoyAttractive like the Moon
ChandramouliBoyThe one who wears Moon on the head, Meaning Lord Shiva

Showing 1 – 100 of 350