Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with B

800 Indian Boy Names with ‘B’ found
Showing 1 – 100 of 800

Indian Boy Names with B

BaadiBoyDistinct; Evident; Plain; Wonderful; Marvelous; Unique8
BaadiyahBoyName of a Sahabiyyah; Desert6
BaahiBoyGlorious; Magnificent; Splendid; Brilliant; Shining3
BaahirBoyDazzling; Brilliant3
BaalBoyYoung; Infant; Strong; Strength; Vigour; Bridge; Victory7
BaalaBoyChild; A young girl; Vigour; Strength8
BaalighBoyMajor; Eloquent; Learned; Vivid4
BaarBoyJust; Pious4
BaareBoyBrilliant; Superior9
BaariBoyOne of the names of God; Free from the hell22
BaariqBoyShining; Lighting; Illuminating; Glitter; Flash; Luster; Bright3
BaashirBoySeeing; Wise; Bringer of good news4
BaasimBoySmiling; Happy9
BaasirBoySeeing; Wise; Bringer of good news5
BaazBoyFalcon; Music; To play An instrument; Eagle8
BabaljeetBoyFull with Love22
BaberBoyCourageous; Lion1
BabikBoyLaw; A king name7
BableenBoyImbued in lord’s name5
BabrakBoyLittle Basilica flower8
BabuBoyA pet name8
BachanbirBoyBrave; Who keeps his promise4
BachintBoyWithout worry3
BachittarBoyWounderous merits; A person with wondrous merits; Wise one1
BadariBoyA place sacred to Lord Vishnu8
BadiBoyDistinct; Evident; Plain; Wonderful; Marvelous; Unique7
Badi Al ZamanBoyThe marvel of time3
Badiul AlamBoyUnique in the world4
Badiuz ZamanBoyA genius of the time1
Badr Al DinBoyFull Moon of the faith11
Badr UdeenBoyFull Moon of the faith11
BadranBoyThe most beautiful22
BadriBoyLord Vishnu;7
Badri NarayananBoyLord Vishnu; Badri – cloud, Narayana -son of Nar or the original man; Man who lives in water, i.e., Vishnu6
BadrinathBoyLord of mount Badri5
BadriprasadBoyGift of Badri3
Badrud DujaBoyFull Moon of the dark5
BadruddinBoyFull Moon of religion (Islam)5
BaghawiBoyA resident of Bagh, Baghshur6
BaghinderBoyTiger; King5
BagiraBoyLoving & nurturing11
BagyarajBoyLord of luck11
BahaBoyBeautiful; Magnificent; Shining3
Baha UdeenBoyThe magnificent of the faith7
BahadarBoyOne who is brave and corageous8
BahadurjitBoyThe victory of the brave4
BahauddinBoyThe glow of the religion (Islam)1
BaheenBoyExalted; Great; Noble8
BahiBoyGlorious; Magnificent; Splendid; Brilliant; Shining2
BahiliBoyName of Famous People; Including; Abu Al-husayn Muhammad; A Student of Al-ashari and Abu Umer Muhammad5
BahirBoyDazzling; Brilliant11
Bahiy UdeenBoyThe magnificent of the faith4
Bahiyud DinBoyRadiant7
BahmanBoyRight mind; Avalanche; The 11th month of the Iranian calendar3
BahramBoyVictory; Mars7
BahrawarBoyLion’s heart9
BahuBoyRod; A saint’s name5
BahubaliBoyA Jain tirthakar11
BahulBoyA Star8
BahuleyaBoyLord Kartikeya; Bahu – a lot; Abundant3
BahuleyanBoyLord Murugan; Bahu – a lot; Abundant8
BahuliyaBoyLord Kartikeya; Bahu – a lot; Abundant7
BahumanyaBoyHonored by many; Universally respected and valued5
BahuraiBoyWith great riches6
BahwaasyBoyOne of the Kauravas8
BahzBoyName of bin Hakeem1
BaidyanathBoyMaster of medicines; The king of medicine; Lord of physicians4
BajalaBoyA generous woman; Honored; Venerated9
BajinathBoyLord Shiva; Lord of physicians; Epithet of Shiva; Epithet of Dhanvantari11
BajrangBoyA name of Lord Hanuman8
BajrangbaliBoyWith the strength of diamond; Lord Hanuman5
BakeetBoyLover; Paramour8
BakhitBoyLucky; Fortunate6
BakhshBoyGift; Fortunate; Give22
BakhsheeshBoyThe blessed one5
Bakht RawanBoyRunning luck9
BakhtariBoyIbn al-mukhtar7
BakhtawarBoyOne who brings good luck4
BakkarBoyOne who leaves early in the morning8
BakoolBoyFlower; Clever; Patient; Circumspect; Attentive; Another name for Shiva2
BakrBoyOld Arabic name5
BakriBoyOne who starts work early5
BaadiBoyDistinct; Evident; Plain; Wonderful; Marvelous; Unique
BaadiyahBoyName of a Sahabiyyah; Desert
BaahiBoyGlorious; Magnificent; Splendid; Brilliant; Shining
BaahirBoyDazzling; Brilliant
BaalBoyYoung; Infant; Strong; Strength; Vigour; Bridge; Victory
BaalaBoyChild; A young girl; Vigour; Strength
BaalighBoyMajor; Eloquent; Learned; Vivid
BaarBoyJust; Pious
BaareBoyBrilliant; Superior
BaariBoyOne of the names of God; Free from the hell
BaariqBoyShining; Lighting; Illuminating; Glitter; Flash; Luster; Bright
BaashirBoySeeing; Wise; Bringer of good news
BaasimBoySmiling; Happy
BaasirBoySeeing; Wise; Bringer of good news
BaazBoyFalcon; Music; To play An instrument; Eagle
BabaljeetBoyFull with Love
BaberBoyCourageous; Lion
BabikBoyLaw; A king name
BableenBoyImbued in lord’s name
BabrakBoyLittle Basilica flower
BabuBoyA pet name
BachanbirBoyBrave; Who keeps his promise
BachintBoyWithout worry
BachittarBoyWounderous merits; A person with wondrous merits; Wise one
BadariBoyA place sacred to Lord Vishnu
BadiBoyDistinct; Evident; Plain; Wonderful; Marvelous; Unique
Badi Al ZamanBoyThe marvel of time
Badiul AlamBoyUnique in the world
Badiuz ZamanBoyA genius of the time
Badr Al DinBoyFull Moon of the faith
Badr UdeenBoyFull Moon of the faith
BadranBoyThe most beautiful
BadriBoyLord Vishnu;
Badri NarayananBoyLord Vishnu; Badri – cloud, Narayana -son of Nar or the original man; Man who lives in water, i.e., Vishnu
BadrinathBoyLord of mount Badri
BadriprasadBoyGift of Badri
Badrud DujaBoyFull Moon of the dark
BadruddinBoyFull Moon of religion (Islam)
BaghawiBoyA resident of Bagh, Baghshur
BaghinderBoyTiger; King
BagiraBoyLoving & nurturing
BagyarajBoyLord of luck
BahaBoyBeautiful; Magnificent; Shining
Baha UdeenBoyThe magnificent of the faith
BahadarBoyOne who is brave and corageous
BahadurjitBoyThe victory of the brave
BahauddinBoyThe glow of the religion (Islam)
BaheenBoyExalted; Great; Noble
BahiBoyGlorious; Magnificent; Splendid; Brilliant; Shining
BahiliBoyName of Famous People; Including; Abu Al-husayn Muhammad; A Student of Al-ashari and Abu Umer Muhammad
BahirBoyDazzling; Brilliant
Bahiy UdeenBoyThe magnificent of the faith
Bahiyud DinBoyRadiant
BahmanBoyRight mind; Avalanche; The 11th month of the Iranian calendar
BahramBoyVictory; Mars
BahrawarBoyLion’s heart
BahuBoyRod; A saint’s name
BahubaliBoyA Jain tirthakar
BahulBoyA Star
BahuleyaBoyLord Kartikeya; Bahu – a lot; Abundant
BahuleyanBoyLord Murugan; Bahu – a lot; Abundant
BahuliyaBoyLord Kartikeya; Bahu – a lot; Abundant
BahumanyaBoyHonored by many; Universally respected and valued
BahuraiBoyWith great riches
BahwaasyBoyOne of the Kauravas
BahzBoyName of bin Hakeem
BaidyanathBoyMaster of medicines; The king of medicine; Lord of physicians
BajalaBoyA generous woman; Honored; Venerated
BajinathBoyLord Shiva; Lord of physicians; Epithet of Shiva; Epithet of Dhanvantari
BajrangBoyA name of Lord Hanuman
BajrangbaliBoyWith the strength of diamond; Lord Hanuman
BakeetBoyLover; Paramour
BakhitBoyLucky; Fortunate
BakhshBoyGift; Fortunate; Give
BakhsheeshBoyThe blessed one
Bakht RawanBoyRunning luck
BakhtariBoyIbn al-mukhtar
BakhtawarBoyOne who brings good luck
BakkarBoyOne who leaves early in the morning
BakoolBoyFlower; Clever; Patient; Circumspect; Attentive; Another name for Shiva
BakrBoyOld Arabic name
BakriBoyOne who starts work early

Showing 1 – 100 of 800