Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with A

2000 Indian Boy Names with ‘A’ found
Showing 801 – 900 of 2000

Indian Boy Names with A

AdotkaBoyStrength and wisdom7
AdravBoyDispeller of all distresses1
AdripathiBoyMaster of the mountains5
AdrishBoyInfinite visionary5
AdrishtBoyFormless being7
AdrityaBoyThe Sun6
AdriyanBoyBlack of Adriatic9
AdrushBoyLike the rising; The Sun8
AdruthaBoyKind hearted1
AdsachBoyPrime truth9
AdtiyaBoyLord Surya6
AdutBoyGift of God1
Aduz ZahirBoySlave of the manifest6
AdvaitBoyUnique; Another name for Brahma and Vishnu; Non duality3
AdvaithBoyUnique; Another name for Brahma and Vishnu; Non duality11
AdvayBoyUnique; One; United; With no duplicate8
AdvayaBoyUnique; One; United; With no duplicate9
AdvitBoyUnique; Focused2
AdviteeyaBoyUnique; The first one, no second; The Sun or one which has no end11
AdvithBoyUnique; Focused1
AdvityaBoyUnique; The first one, no second; The Sun or one which has no end1
AdwaidBoyAn old Puran, like Ramayana, Bhagwat Gita6
AdwaitBoyUnique; Another name for Brahma and Vishnu; Non duality22
AdwaitaBoyNon-duality; One without a second5
AdwaithBoyUnique; Another name for Brahma and Vishnu; Non duality3
AdwayBoyOne; United; Unique9
AdwayaBoyOne; United; Unique1
AdwitBoyVishnu; Unique3
AdyanBoyName of a prophet; A nabee9
AdyantBoyInfinite from Adi to Ant; From begining to end2
AeshanBoyIn God’s grace3
AeyushBoyLong lived7
AfaaqBoyThe place where earth & sky meet8
AfeefBoyChaste; Modest5
AffanBoyName of Caliph Uthman’s father; Forgiving person1
AfifBoyChaste; Modest22
AfjalBoyMost excellent3
AflahBoyMost successful1
AfnanBoyBranch of a tree in heaven9
AfradBoySingle; Unique3
AfranBoyNoble Man22
AfrazBoyQuintessence of fire7
AfruzBoyStanding tall like a mountain; Ability to withstand all that is thrashed upon it9
AfshinBoyShining star3
AftabBoyThe Sun; Sunlight; Brilliance3
AfzalBoyMost excellent1
AgamBoyComing; Arrival; A name of Jain shastra; Insight; Intelligence; Wisdom4
AgambirBoyBrave as God6
AgamdeepBoyBeyond limits7
AgamiyaBoyThe karma we perform in this birth3
AgamjeetBoyGod’s light; Victory of God8
AgamjitBoyGod’s light; Victory of God7
AgamjotBoyGod’s light; The inaccessible light22
AgampalBoyGod as protector6
AgampreetBoyLove for God5
AganitBoyName of Lord Vishnu7
AgarvBoyBalanced; Not arrogant22
AgarvinBoySuccessful Man9
AgasthyaBoyName of a sage; One who humbles even the mountain1
AgastiBoyName of a sage3
AgastyaBoyName of a sage; One who humbles even the mountain2
AgendraBoyKing of mountains5
AghaBoyPre-eminent; Master; Chief; Elder brother; Another name for God8
AghanayaBoyIncarnation of lord4
AgharnaBoyThe Moon5
AgharrBoyHandsome; Beautiful; Distinguished illustrious; Noble, Magnanimous name of a companion of the prophet, Bin al-muzan8
AghatBoyDestroyer of sin1
AghornathBoyLord Shiva, The Lord of the Aghoris11
AghoshBoyQuiet; Soundless4
AgilanBoyA man who commands everything8
AgilisBoyNimble; Rapid; Active3
AgneyaBoySon of Agni8
AgniBoyTowards the fire22
AgnibahuBoySon of first Manu9
AgnihotraBoyThe sacrifice offered to Agni3
AgnikumaraBoySon of Agni6
AgnimitraBoyFriend of fire11
AgnipravaBoyBright as the fire8
AgnirasBoyOne of the Saptarshi6
AgnitBoyLord Vishnu6
AgnivBoyBright as light8
AgniveshBoyBright as the fire4
AgnivoBoyFlame of the fire5
AgrajBoyLeader; Senior; First born1
AgrimBoyLeader; First3
AgriyaBoyFirst best7
AdotkaBoyStrength and wisdom
AdravBoyDispeller of all distresses
AdripathiBoyMaster of the mountains
AdrishBoyInfinite visionary
AdrishtBoyFormless being
AdrityaBoyThe Sun
AdriyanBoyBlack of Adriatic
AdrushBoyLike the rising; The Sun
AdruthaBoyKind hearted
AdsachBoyPrime truth
AdtiyaBoyLord Surya
AdutBoyGift of God
Aduz ZahirBoySlave of the manifest
AdvaitBoyUnique; Another name for Brahma and Vishnu; Non duality
AdvaithBoyUnique; Another name for Brahma and Vishnu; Non duality
AdvayBoyUnique; One; United; With no duplicate
AdvayaBoyUnique; One; United; With no duplicate
AdvitBoyUnique; Focused
AdviteeyaBoyUnique; The first one, no second; The Sun or one which has no end
AdvithBoyUnique; Focused
AdvityaBoyUnique; The first one, no second; The Sun or one which has no end
AdwaidBoyAn old Puran, like Ramayana, Bhagwat Gita
AdwaitBoyUnique; Another name for Brahma and Vishnu; Non duality
AdwaitaBoyNon-duality; One without a second
AdwaithBoyUnique; Another name for Brahma and Vishnu; Non duality
AdwayBoyOne; United; Unique
AdwayaBoyOne; United; Unique
AdwitBoyVishnu; Unique
AdyanBoyName of a prophet; A nabee
AdyantBoyInfinite from Adi to Ant; From begining to end
AeshanBoyIn God’s grace
AeyushBoyLong lived
AfaaqBoyThe place where earth & sky meet
AfeefBoyChaste; Modest
AffanBoyName of Caliph Uthman’s father; Forgiving person
AfifBoyChaste; Modest
AfjalBoyMost excellent
AflahBoyMost successful
AfnanBoyBranch of a tree in heaven
AfradBoySingle; Unique
AfranBoyNoble Man
AfrazBoyQuintessence of fire
AfruzBoyStanding tall like a mountain; Ability to withstand all that is thrashed upon it
AfshinBoyShining star
AftabBoyThe Sun; Sunlight; Brilliance
AfzalBoyMost excellent
AgamBoyComing; Arrival; A name of Jain shastra; Insight; Intelligence; Wisdom
AgambirBoyBrave as God
AgamdeepBoyBeyond limits
AgamiyaBoyThe karma we perform in this birth
AgamjeetBoyGod’s light; Victory of God
AgamjitBoyGod’s light; Victory of God
AgamjotBoyGod’s light; The inaccessible light
AgampalBoyGod as protector
AgampreetBoyLove for God
AganitBoyName of Lord Vishnu
AgarvBoyBalanced; Not arrogant
AgarvinBoySuccessful Man
AgasthyaBoyName of a sage; One who humbles even the mountain
AgastiBoyName of a sage
AgastyaBoyName of a sage; One who humbles even the mountain
AgendraBoyKing of mountains
AghaBoyPre-eminent; Master; Chief; Elder brother; Another name for God
AghanayaBoyIncarnation of lord
AgharnaBoyThe Moon
AgharrBoyHandsome; Beautiful; Distinguished illustrious; Noble, Magnanimous name of a companion of the prophet, Bin al-muzan
AghatBoyDestroyer of sin
AghornathBoyLord Shiva, The Lord of the Aghoris
AghoshBoyQuiet; Soundless
AgilanBoyA man who commands everything
AgilisBoyNimble; Rapid; Active
AgneyaBoySon of Agni
AgniBoyTowards the fire
AgnibahuBoySon of first Manu
AgnihotraBoyThe sacrifice offered to Agni
AgnikumaraBoySon of Agni
AgnimitraBoyFriend of fire
AgnipravaBoyBright as the fire
AgnirasBoyOne of the Saptarshi
AgnitBoyLord Vishnu
AgnivBoyBright as light
AgniveshBoyBright as the fire
AgnivoBoyFlame of the fire
AgrajBoyLeader; Senior; First born
AgrimBoyLeader; First
AgriyaBoyFirst best

Showing 801 – 900 of 2000