Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with A

2000 Indian Boy Names with ‘A’ found
Showing 301 – 400 of 2000

Indian Boy Names with A

Abdul AfuwBoySlave of the one who pardons1
Abdul AhadBoySlave of he who is one (Allah)9
Abdul AleemBoyServant of the all-knowing; Servant of the omniscient4
Abdul AliBoyServant of the highest8
Abdul AlimBoyServant of the all-knowing; Servant of the omniscient3
Abdul AsifBoyKnowledge3
Abdul AwwalBoySlave of the first one1
Abdul AzeezBoyThe powerful; Servant of the mighty4
Abdul AzibBoyKnowledge6
Abdul AzimBoyServant of the mighty8
Abdul AzizBoyThe powerful, Servant of the mighty3
Abdul BaaqiBoyServant of the everlasting; Slave of the eternal7
Abdul BaariBoyServant of the creator; Slave of the creator8
Abdul BaasitBoyServant of the expander; Extender11
Abdul BadeeBoySlave of the originator; Servant of the incomparable3
Abdul BadiBoySlave of the originator; Servant of the incomparable11
Abdul BaithBoySlave of the one who raises the death8
Abdul BaqiBoyServant of the everlasting; Slave of the eternal6
Abdul BariBoyServant of the creator; Slave of the creator7
Abdul BarrBoyServant of the source of goodness7
Abdul BaseerBoyServant of the all seeing9
Abdul BasirBoyServant of the all seeing8
Abdul BasitBoyServant of the expander; Extender1
Abdul BatinBoyServant of the inward5
Abdul DhahirBoyServant of the manifest7
Abdul FattahBoySlave of the giver of victory6
Abdul GhaffarBoyServant of the all-forgiving6
Abdul GhafoorBoyServant of the forgiver11
Abdul GhafurBoyServant of the forgiver11
Abdul GhaniBoyServant of the self sufficient7
Abdul HaafizBoyServant of the guardian (Allah); Servant of the protector1
Abdul HadiBoyServant of the guide8
Abdul HafeedhBoyServant of the preserver5
Abdul HafeezBoyServant of the guardian (Allah); Servant of the protector1
Abdul HafizBoyServant of the guardian (Allah); Servant of the protector9
Abdul HakamBoyServant of the arbitrator11
Abdul HakeemBoyServant of the wise one11
Abdul HakimBoyServant of the wise one1
Abdul HaleemBoyServant of the forbearing one; Servant of the patient one3
Abdul HalimBoyServant of the forbearing one; Servant of the patient one11
Abdul HameedBoyServant of the praiseworthy; The ever praised4
Abdul HamidBoyServant of the praiseworthy; The ever praised3
Abdul HannanBoySlave of the merciful11
Abdul HaqBoyServant of the truth (Allah)3
Abdul HaqqBoyServant of the truth11
Abdul HaseebBoyServant of the respected; Esteemed8
Abdul HassanBoyThe son of Ali3
Abdul HayyBoySlave of the living9
Abdul JabaarBoyServant of the mighty1
Abdul JabarBoyServant of the mighty9
Abdul JabbarBoyServant of the compeller11
Abdul JaleelBoyServant of the great; Revered; Servant of the exalted (Allah)4
Abdul JalilBoyServant of the great; Revered; Servant of the exalted (Allah)3
Abdul JameBoyServant of the gatherer6
Abdul JawwadBoySlave of the bountiful3
Abdul KabirBoySlave of the great9
Abdul KafiBoyServant of the all-sufficient (Allah)4
Abdul KareemBoyServant of the noble; Generous one3
Abdul KarimBoyServant of the noble; Generous one11
Abdul KhabirBoySlave of the one who is aware8
Abdul KhafizBoyServant of the descender11
Abdul KhaliqBoyServant of the creator8
Abdul LateefBoyServant of the kind; All-gentle (Allah)8
Abdul LatifBoyServant of the kind; All-gentle (Allah)7
Abdul MaajidBoySlave of the excellence; Servant of the glorious; Servant of the noble6
Abdul MaalikBoyServant of the owner (Allah); Servant of the king (Allah)6
Abdul MaaneBoyServant of the withholder11
Abdul MajeedBoySlave of the excellence; Servant of the glorious; Servant of the noble6
Abdul MajidBoySlave of the excellence; Servant of the glorious; Servant of the noble5
Abdul MalikBoyServant of the owner (Allah); Servant of the king (Allah)5
Abdul ManiBoySlave of one who prevents5
Abdul MannanBoySlave of the benefactor7
Abdul MateenBoySlave of the firm; Servant of the active (Allah)8
Abdul MatinBoySlave of the firm; Servant of the strong (Allah)7
Abdul MoakhirBoyServant of the retarder7
Abdul MoezBoyServant of the honored9
Abdul MohsiBoyServant of the surrounded5
Abdul MomitBoyServant of the death-giver11
Abdul MoqitBoyServant of the energiser6
Abdul MubdeeBoyServant of the originator9
Abdul MubdiBoyServant of the originator8
Abdul MueedBoyServant of the restorer7
Abdul MughniBoyServant of the enricher4
Abdul MuhaiminBoySlave of the protector11
Abdul MuhayminBoySlave of the protector9
Abdul MuhsiBoyServant of the reckoner11
Abdul MuhsinBoySlave of the benefactor7
Abdul MuhyeeBoySlave of the one who gives life and sustains it9
Abdul MuidBoyServant of the restorer6
Abdul MuizBoySlave of the honored1
Abdul MujeebBoyServant of the responsive; Servant of the answerer6
Abdul MujibBoyServant of the responsive; Servant of the answerer5
Abdul MuminBoyServant of the guardian of faith11
Abdul MunimBoyServant of the benefactor (Allah)11
Abdul MuntaqimBoyServant of the revenger4
Abdul MuqaddimBoyServant of the promoter5
Abdul MuqeetBoySlave of the sustainer4
Abdul MuqsitBoySlave of the just4
Abdul MuqtadirBoyServant of the powerful8
Abdul MusawwirBoyServant of the fashioner (Allah)5
Abdul MutaalBoyServant of the highest9
Abdul AfuwBoySlave of the one who pardons
Abdul AhadBoySlave of he who is one (Allah)
Abdul AleemBoyServant of the all-knowing; Servant of the omniscient
Abdul AliBoyServant of the highest
Abdul AlimBoyServant of the all-knowing; Servant of the omniscient
Abdul AsifBoyKnowledge
Abdul AwwalBoySlave of the first one
Abdul AzeezBoyThe powerful; Servant of the mighty
Abdul AzibBoyKnowledge
Abdul AzimBoyServant of the mighty
Abdul AzizBoyThe powerful, Servant of the mighty
Abdul BaaqiBoyServant of the everlasting; Slave of the eternal
Abdul BaariBoyServant of the creator; Slave of the creator
Abdul BaasitBoyServant of the expander; Extender
Abdul BadeeBoySlave of the originator; Servant of the incomparable
Abdul BadiBoySlave of the originator; Servant of the incomparable
Abdul BaithBoySlave of the one who raises the death
Abdul BaqiBoyServant of the everlasting; Slave of the eternal
Abdul BariBoyServant of the creator; Slave of the creator
Abdul BarrBoyServant of the source of goodness
Abdul BaseerBoyServant of the all seeing
Abdul BasirBoyServant of the all seeing
Abdul BasitBoyServant of the expander; Extender
Abdul BatinBoyServant of the inward
Abdul DhahirBoyServant of the manifest
Abdul FattahBoySlave of the giver of victory
Abdul GhaffarBoyServant of the all-forgiving
Abdul GhafoorBoyServant of the forgiver
Abdul GhafurBoyServant of the forgiver
Abdul GhaniBoyServant of the self sufficient
Abdul HaafizBoyServant of the guardian (Allah); Servant of the protector
Abdul HadiBoyServant of the guide
Abdul HafeedhBoyServant of the preserver
Abdul HafeezBoyServant of the guardian (Allah); Servant of the protector
Abdul HafizBoyServant of the guardian (Allah); Servant of the protector
Abdul HakamBoyServant of the arbitrator
Abdul HakeemBoyServant of the wise one
Abdul HakimBoyServant of the wise one
Abdul HaleemBoyServant of the forbearing one; Servant of the patient one
Abdul HalimBoyServant of the forbearing one; Servant of the patient one
Abdul HameedBoyServant of the praiseworthy; The ever praised
Abdul HamidBoyServant of the praiseworthy; The ever praised
Abdul HannanBoySlave of the merciful
Abdul HaqBoyServant of the truth (Allah)
Abdul HaqqBoyServant of the truth
Abdul HaseebBoyServant of the respected; Esteemed
Abdul HassanBoyThe son of Ali
Abdul HayyBoySlave of the living
Abdul JabaarBoyServant of the mighty
Abdul JabarBoyServant of the mighty
Abdul JabbarBoyServant of the compeller
Abdul JaleelBoyServant of the great; Revered; Servant of the exalted (Allah)
Abdul JalilBoyServant of the great; Revered; Servant of the exalted (Allah)
Abdul JameBoyServant of the gatherer
Abdul JawwadBoySlave of the bountiful
Abdul KabirBoySlave of the great
Abdul KafiBoyServant of the all-sufficient (Allah)
Abdul KareemBoyServant of the noble; Generous one
Abdul KarimBoyServant of the noble; Generous one
Abdul KhabirBoySlave of the one who is aware
Abdul KhafizBoyServant of the descender
Abdul KhaliqBoyServant of the creator
Abdul LateefBoyServant of the kind; All-gentle (Allah)
Abdul LatifBoyServant of the kind; All-gentle (Allah)
Abdul MaajidBoySlave of the excellence; Servant of the glorious; Servant of the noble
Abdul MaalikBoyServant of the owner (Allah); Servant of the king (Allah)
Abdul MaaneBoyServant of the withholder
Abdul MajeedBoySlave of the excellence; Servant of the glorious; Servant of the noble
Abdul MajidBoySlave of the excellence; Servant of the glorious; Servant of the noble
Abdul MalikBoyServant of the owner (Allah); Servant of the king (Allah)
Abdul ManiBoySlave of one who prevents
Abdul MannanBoySlave of the benefactor
Abdul MateenBoySlave of the firm; Servant of the active (Allah)
Abdul MatinBoySlave of the firm; Servant of the strong (Allah)
Abdul MoakhirBoyServant of the retarder
Abdul MoezBoyServant of the honored
Abdul MohsiBoyServant of the surrounded
Abdul MomitBoyServant of the death-giver
Abdul MoqitBoyServant of the energiser
Abdul MubdeeBoyServant of the originator
Abdul MubdiBoyServant of the originator
Abdul MueedBoyServant of the restorer
Abdul MughniBoyServant of the enricher
Abdul MuhaiminBoySlave of the protector
Abdul MuhayminBoySlave of the protector
Abdul MuhsiBoyServant of the reckoner
Abdul MuhsinBoySlave of the benefactor
Abdul MuhyeeBoySlave of the one who gives life and sustains it
Abdul MuidBoyServant of the restorer
Abdul MuizBoySlave of the honored
Abdul MujeebBoyServant of the responsive; Servant of the answerer
Abdul MujibBoyServant of the responsive; Servant of the answerer
Abdul MuminBoyServant of the guardian of faith
Abdul MunimBoyServant of the benefactor (Allah)
Abdul MuntaqimBoyServant of the revenger
Abdul MuqaddimBoyServant of the promoter
Abdul MuqeetBoySlave of the sustainer
Abdul MuqsitBoySlave of the just
Abdul MuqtadirBoyServant of the powerful
Abdul MusawwirBoyServant of the fashioner (Allah)
Abdul MutaalBoyServant of the highest

Showing 301 – 400 of 2000