Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with A

2000 Indian Boy Names with ‘A’ found
Showing 1301 – 1400 of 2000

Indian Boy Names with A

Al-WaliyyBoyThe protector9
Al-WarithBoyThe heir; The inheritor of all1
Al-WÂrithBoyThe ultimate inheritor1
Al-WasiBoyThe all-comprehending2
Al-WÂsi’BoyThe all-encompassing; The all-embracing1
AmaanatBoyTreasure; Security; Deposit6
AmaarBoyOne who prays five times and fasts; Forever; Immortal7
AmaayBoyLord Ganesh; Free from error or deceit; Not cunning5
AmadBoyPraiseworthy; Love of God; Somber1
AmadhyaBoyAffectionate; Kind8
AmalBoyBright; Hope; Pure; Hardworking; Optimistic; Expectation; Brilliant; Another name for Narayana; Clean9
AmalbirBoyPure and brave11
AmalenduBoyThe unblemished Moon8
AmaleshBoyThe pure one5
AmalinderBoyPure God5
AmaljotBoyPure flame9
AmamBoySafety; Protection1
AmanahBoyTrust; The gift2
AmanatBoyTreasure; Security; Deposit5
AmanathBoyTreasure; Security; Deposit22
AmanbirBoyThe strength of peace; The one who fights for peace4
AmandeepBoySharp witted; Light; Lamp of peace; Lamp of tranquility5
AmandevBoyThe God of peace6
AmaneeshBoyGod of peace3
AmaninderBoyTranquil God of Heaven7
AmanjeetBoyPeace attainder; Attainer of tranquility6
AmanjeevanBoyOne who lives a peaceful life5
AmanjitBoyPeace attainder; Attainer of tranquility5
AmanjotBoyRadiating the light of peace; Tranquil light2
AmanpalBoyPeace protector22
AmanroopBoyThe embodiment of peace3
AmanveerBoyThe strength of peace; The one who fights for peace7
AmanvirBoyThe strength of peace; The one who fights for peace6
AmapramaadhyBoyOne of the Kauravas3
AmarBoyImmortal; Forever; Divine6
AmarbirBoyEternally brave8
AmardeepBoyEternal light9
AmardevBoyThe immortal God; Imperishable deity1
AmarenderBoyCombination of Amar immortal and Indra king7
AmarendraBoyThis name has a Sanskrit origin and is a combination of Amar immortal and Lord Indra King of Gods, combined, it means, King of the Immortals3
AmareshBoyName of Lord Indra11
AmargunBoyImmortal merits3
AmarinderBoyBlessed by God for immortality11
AmarisBoyChild of the Moon7
AmaritBoyGod’s nectar8
AmarjeetBoyForever victorious; Ever victorious; One who has conquered the Devas1
AmarjotBoyThe immortal light6
AmarleenBoyForever absorbed in God; Ever absorbed in God6
AmarnathBoyImmortal God4
AmarpalBoyImperishable protector8
AmarpreetBoyImmortal Love of God7
AmartekBoyEternal support6
AmartyaBoyImmortal; Amber of the Sky; Eternal; Divine7
AmavBoyReincarnation of Lord Rama; Powerful; Undefeated1
AmayBoyLord Ganesh; Free from error or deceit; Not cunning4
AmbadiBoyA place where Lord Krishna spent his childhood3
AmbareeshBoyKing of the Sky; An Angel from the heavens; The Sky9
AmbarishBoyKing of the Sky; An Angel from the heavens; The Sky8
AmbavBoyWater like3
AmberBoyThe unbeatable; Sky3
AmberishBoyKing of the Sky; An Angel from the heavens; The Sky3
AmbeshBoySeven reflections3
AmbhojBoyDay Lotus; Water born; Lotus22
AmbikanathBoyLord Shiva, Consort of Ambika8
AmbikapathiBoyLord Shiva, Consort of Ambika1
AmbikeyaBoyOf Ambika; Mountain; Lord Ganesha4
AmbiliBoyThe Moon1
AmbujBoyLotus; Water born; Indra’s thunderbolt11
AmbujakshanBoyLotus eyed11
AmeekBoyVery Deep8
AmeenBoyFaithful; Trustworthy; Honest2
AmeerBoyRuler; Prince; Rich; Prosperous6
AmeetBoyInfinite; Unique; Incomparable Lord; Indestructible; Imperishable; Great; Endless; Boundless8
AmenderBoyPeople of the heavenly God6
AmerBoyRuler; Prince; Rich; Prosperous1
AmetBoyInfinite; Unique; Incomparable Lord; Indestructible; Imperishable; Great; Endless; Boundless1
AmeyBoyLord Ganesh; Free from error or deceit; Not cunning8
AmeyaBoyBoundless; Magnanimous; One who is beyond measure9
AmeyaatmaaBoyManifests in infinite varieties; Lord Vishnu9
AmeyatmaBoyManifests in infinite varieties; Lord Vishnu7
AmilBoyInvaluable; Inaccessible; Exalted; Doer8
AmileighBoyThe bringer of hope; Smiles; God’s gift1
AminBoyFaithful; Trustworthy; Honest1
AmirBoyRuler; Prince; Rich; Prosperous5
AmiranBoyRoyal; Prince11
AmishBoyHonest; Trustworthy; Pleasing5
AmitBoyInfinite; Unique; Incomparable Lord; Indestructible; Imperishable; Great; Endless; Boundless7
Al-WaliyyBoyThe protector
Al-WarithBoyThe heir; The inheritor of all
Al-WÂrithBoyThe ultimate inheritor
Al-WasiBoyThe all-comprehending
Al-WÂsi’BoyThe all-encompassing; The all-embracing
AmaanatBoyTreasure; Security; Deposit
AmaarBoyOne who prays five times and fasts; Forever; Immortal
AmaayBoyLord Ganesh; Free from error or deceit; Not cunning
AmadBoyPraiseworthy; Love of God; Somber
AmadhyaBoyAffectionate; Kind
AmalBoyBright; Hope; Pure; Hardworking; Optimistic; Expectation; Brilliant; Another name for Narayana; Clean
AmalbirBoyPure and brave
AmalenduBoyThe unblemished Moon
AmaleshBoyThe pure one
AmalinderBoyPure God
AmaljotBoyPure flame
AmamBoySafety; Protection
AmanahBoyTrust; The gift
AmanatBoyTreasure; Security; Deposit
AmanathBoyTreasure; Security; Deposit
AmanbirBoyThe strength of peace; The one who fights for peace
AmandeepBoySharp witted; Light; Lamp of peace; Lamp of tranquility
AmandevBoyThe God of peace
AmaneeshBoyGod of peace
AmaninderBoyTranquil God of Heaven
AmanjeetBoyPeace attainder; Attainer of tranquility
AmanjeevanBoyOne who lives a peaceful life
AmanjitBoyPeace attainder; Attainer of tranquility
AmanjotBoyRadiating the light of peace; Tranquil light
AmanpalBoyPeace protector
AmanroopBoyThe embodiment of peace
AmanveerBoyThe strength of peace; The one who fights for peace
AmanvirBoyThe strength of peace; The one who fights for peace
AmapramaadhyBoyOne of the Kauravas
AmarBoyImmortal; Forever; Divine
AmarbirBoyEternally brave
AmardeepBoyEternal light
AmardevBoyThe immortal God; Imperishable deity
AmarenderBoyCombination of Amar immortal and Indra king
AmarendraBoyThis name has a Sanskrit origin and is a combination of Amar immortal and Lord Indra King of Gods, combined, it means, King of the Immortals
AmareshBoyName of Lord Indra
AmargunBoyImmortal merits
AmarinderBoyBlessed by God for immortality
AmarisBoyChild of the Moon
AmaritBoyGod’s nectar
AmarjeetBoyForever victorious; Ever victorious; One who has conquered the Devas
AmarjotBoyThe immortal light
AmarleenBoyForever absorbed in God; Ever absorbed in God
AmarnathBoyImmortal God
AmarpalBoyImperishable protector
AmarpreetBoyImmortal Love of God
AmartekBoyEternal support
AmartyaBoyImmortal; Amber of the Sky; Eternal; Divine
AmavBoyReincarnation of Lord Rama; Powerful; Undefeated
AmayBoyLord Ganesh; Free from error or deceit; Not cunning
AmbadiBoyA place where Lord Krishna spent his childhood
AmbareeshBoyKing of the Sky; An Angel from the heavens; The Sky
AmbarishBoyKing of the Sky; An Angel from the heavens; The Sky
AmbavBoyWater like
AmberBoyThe unbeatable; Sky
AmberishBoyKing of the Sky; An Angel from the heavens; The Sky
AmbeshBoySeven reflections
AmbhojBoyDay Lotus; Water born; Lotus
AmbikanathBoyLord Shiva, Consort of Ambika
AmbikapathiBoyLord Shiva, Consort of Ambika
AmbikeyaBoyOf Ambika; Mountain; Lord Ganesha
AmbiliBoyThe Moon
AmbujBoyLotus; Water born; Indra’s thunderbolt
AmbujakshanBoyLotus eyed
AmeekBoyVery Deep
AmeenBoyFaithful; Trustworthy; Honest
AmeerBoyRuler; Prince; Rich; Prosperous
AmeetBoyInfinite; Unique; Incomparable Lord; Indestructible; Imperishable; Great; Endless; Boundless
AmenderBoyPeople of the heavenly God
AmerBoyRuler; Prince; Rich; Prosperous
AmetBoyInfinite; Unique; Incomparable Lord; Indestructible; Imperishable; Great; Endless; Boundless
AmeyBoyLord Ganesh; Free from error or deceit; Not cunning
AmeyaBoyBoundless; Magnanimous; One who is beyond measure
AmeyaatmaaBoyManifests in infinite varieties; Lord Vishnu
AmeyatmaBoyManifests in infinite varieties; Lord Vishnu
AmilBoyInvaluable; Inaccessible; Exalted; Doer
AmileighBoyThe bringer of hope; Smiles; God’s gift
AminBoyFaithful; Trustworthy; Honest
AmirBoyRuler; Prince; Rich; Prosperous
AmiranBoyRoyal; Prince
AmishBoyHonest; Trustworthy; Pleasing
AmitBoyInfinite; Unique; Incomparable Lord; Indestructible; Imperishable; Great; Endless; Boundless

Showing 1301 – 1400 of 2000