Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with A

2000 Indian Boy Names with ‘A’ found
Showing 1101 – 1200 of 2000

Indian Boy Names with A

AkshunBoyA significant particle2
AkshyatBoyUnharmed; Uninjured22
AkterBoyA Star; Fragrance.1
AktharBoyEid in pashto5
AkulBoyA name of Lord Shiva9
Al AbbasBoyLion11
Al- Mu’akhkhirBoyThe delayer5
Al- MuntaqimBoyThe Lord of retribution; The avenger4
AlaapBoyMusical prelude; Conversation4
AlabhyaBoyUnique; Difficult to acquire5
Al-‘adlBoyThe just; The equitable3
Al-AdlBoyThe just3
Al-AfuBoyThe forgiver5
Al-‘afuwwBoyThe pardoner6
AlagarasuBoyHandsome king; King of beauty9
AlagiriBoyAlagar Swami3
Al-AhadBoyThe one9
Al-AkhirBoyThe last6
Al-ÂkhirBoyThe last5
AlakhyaBoya picture or a painting5
AlakshendraBoyDefender of humanity; Sanskrit for Alexander4
Al-AliBoyThe highest8
Al-AlimBoyThe knower of all3
Al-‘alÃŽmBoyThe all-knowing3
Al-‘aliyyBoyThe highest4
AlamBoyThe universe; The whole world9
AlamgirBoyThe Lord of the whole world7
AlampataBoyEver eternal Lord2
AlankarBoyGold; Ornament22
AlarkaBoyWhite lotus8
Al-AshiaffBoystrong, stormy, powerful, fierce9
AlaukikBoyTranscending the world3
AlawiBoyDescendant of Hazrat Ali1
Al-AwwalBoyThe first1
AlazaeBoyAngle; Joy; Great happiness; Joyful1
Al-AzimBoyThe magnificent8
Al-‘azÃŽmBoyThe incomparably great8
Al-AzizBoyThe victorious3
Al-‘azÃŽzBoyThe mighty3
Al-BadiBoyThe originator2
Al-BadÃŽ’BoyThe originator11
Al-BaithBoyThe resurrector8
Al-BÂ’ithBoyThe resurrector7
Al-BaqiBoyThe immutable; The infinite; The everlasting5
Al-BÂqÎBoyThe everlasting5
Al-BariBoyThe maker of order7
Al-BarrBoyThe benign; The source of all-goodness7
Al-BasirBoyThe seer of all8
Al-BasÃŽrBoyThe all-seeing8
Al-BasitBoyThe reliever1
Al-BÂsitBoyThe expander9
Al-BatinBoyThe hidden one5
Al-BÂtinBoyThe hidden22
AlbenBoyfair blond7
AleemBoyA knowledgeable person; Wise; Scholarly; Omniscient; Learned; Religious scholar9
AlekBoyDefender of humanity11
Alekhya NityaBoyConstant picture; A painting6
AlekyaBoyIn Indian origin it means which cannot be written in general; It means a beautiful painting1
AlfasBoyPlural of lafz3
Al-FattahBoyThe Revealer, The Granter of Success6
Al-FattÂhBoyThe opener; The judge5
Al-GaffÂrBoyThe subduer6
Al-GafÛrBoyThe forgiving9
Al-GhaffarBoyThe repeatedly forgiving5
Al-GhafurBoyThe much-forgiving8
Al-GhaniBoyThe rich; The independent7
Al-GhaniyyBoyThe all-sufficient3
AlhadBoyJoy; Happiness8
Al-HadiBoyThe guide; The way7
Al-HÂdÎBoyThe guide7
Al-HafizBoyThe preserver9
Al-HafÃŽzBoyThe preserver9
Al-HakamBoyThe judge2
Al-HakimBoyThe perfectly wise1
Al-HakÃŽmBoyThe wise1
Al-HalimBoyThe forebearing11
Al-HalÃŽmBoyThe forbearing2
Al-HamidBoyThe praised one3
Al-HamÃŽdBoyThe all-praised; The praiseworthy3
AlhanBoyEloquence, good voice9
Al-HaqqBoyThe truth11
Al-HasibBoyThe Reckoner, The Accountant7
Al-HasÃŽbBoyThe reckoner7
Al-HayyBoyThe ever-living9
AliBoySublime; Lofty; High; Tall; Excellent; Noble4
AliceBoyNoble sort3
AlifBoyThe first character in Hijaiyah1
AlimBoyA knowledgeable person; Wise; Scholarly; Omniscient; Learned; Religious scholar8
AliptaBoyDifferent from all; Devoted5
Al-JabbarBoyThe irresistible; The compeller1
Al-JabbÂrBoyThe compeller1
Al-JalilBoyThe majestic3
Al-JalÃŽlBoyThe majestic; The revered; The sublime3
AkshunBoyA significant particle
AkshyatBoyUnharmed; Uninjured
AkterBoyA Star; Fragrance.
AktharBoyEid in pashto
AkulBoyA name of Lord Shiva
Al AbbasBoyLion
Al- Mu’akhkhirBoyThe delayer
Al- MuntaqimBoyThe Lord of retribution; The avenger
AlaapBoyMusical prelude; Conversation
AlabhyaBoyUnique; Difficult to acquire
Al-‘adlBoyThe just; The equitable
Al-AdlBoyThe just
Al-AfuBoyThe forgiver
Al-‘afuwwBoyThe pardoner
AlagarasuBoyHandsome king; King of beauty
AlagiriBoyAlagar Swami
Al-AhadBoyThe one
Al-AkhirBoyThe last
Al-ÂkhirBoyThe last
AlakhyaBoya picture or a painting
AlakshendraBoyDefender of humanity; Sanskrit for Alexander
Al-AliBoyThe highest
Al-AlimBoyThe knower of all
Al-‘alÃŽmBoyThe all-knowing
Al-‘aliyyBoyThe highest
AlamBoyThe universe; The whole world
AlamgirBoyThe Lord of the whole world
AlampataBoyEver eternal Lord
AlankarBoyGold; Ornament
AlarkaBoyWhite lotus
Al-AshiaffBoystrong, stormy, powerful, fierce
AlaukikBoyTranscending the world
AlawiBoyDescendant of Hazrat Ali
Al-AwwalBoyThe first
AlazaeBoyAngle; Joy; Great happiness; Joyful
Al-AzimBoyThe magnificent
Al-‘azÃŽmBoyThe incomparably great
Al-AzizBoyThe victorious
Al-‘azÃŽzBoyThe mighty
Al-BadiBoyThe originator
Al-BadÃŽ’BoyThe originator
Al-BaithBoyThe resurrector
Al-BÂ’ithBoyThe resurrector
Al-BaqiBoyThe immutable; The infinite; The everlasting
Al-BÂqÎBoyThe everlasting
Al-BariBoyThe maker of order
Al-BarrBoyThe benign; The source of all-goodness
Al-BasirBoyThe seer of all
Al-BasÃŽrBoyThe all-seeing
Al-BasitBoyThe reliever
Al-BÂsitBoyThe expander
Al-BatinBoyThe hidden one
Al-BÂtinBoyThe hidden
AlbenBoyfair blond
AleemBoyA knowledgeable person; Wise; Scholarly; Omniscient; Learned; Religious scholar
AlekBoyDefender of humanity
Alekhya NityaBoyConstant picture; A painting
AlekyaBoyIn Indian origin it means which cannot be written in general; It means a beautiful painting
AlfasBoyPlural of lafz
Al-FattahBoyThe Revealer, The Granter of Success
Al-FattÂhBoyThe opener; The judge
Al-GaffÂrBoyThe subduer
Al-GafÛrBoyThe forgiving
Al-GhaffarBoyThe repeatedly forgiving
Al-GhafurBoyThe much-forgiving
Al-GhaniBoyThe rich; The independent
Al-GhaniyyBoyThe all-sufficient
AlhadBoyJoy; Happiness
Al-HadiBoyThe guide; The way
Al-HÂdÎBoyThe guide
Al-HafizBoyThe preserver
Al-HafÃŽzBoyThe preserver
Al-HakamBoyThe judge
Al-HakimBoyThe perfectly wise
Al-HakÃŽmBoyThe wise
Al-HalimBoyThe forebearing
Al-HalÃŽmBoyThe forbearing
Al-HamidBoyThe praised one
Al-HamÃŽdBoyThe all-praised; The praiseworthy
AlhanBoyEloquence, good voice
Al-HaqqBoyThe truth
Al-HasibBoyThe Reckoner, The Accountant
Al-HasÃŽbBoyThe reckoner
Al-HayyBoyThe ever-living
AliBoySublime; Lofty; High; Tall; Excellent; Noble
AliceBoyNoble sort
AlifBoyThe first character in Hijaiyah
AlimBoyA knowledgeable person; Wise; Scholarly; Omniscient; Learned; Religious scholar
AliptaBoyDifferent from all; Devoted
Al-JabbarBoyThe irresistible; The compeller
Al-JabbÂrBoyThe compeller
Al-JalilBoyThe majestic
Al-JalÃŽlBoyThe majestic; The revered; The sublime

Showing 1101 – 1200 of 2000