Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with A

2000 Indian Boy Names with ‘A’ found
Showing 1 – 100 of 2000

Indian Boy Names with A

AabanBoyMore clear; 8th Persian month1
AabdarBoyBright; Like glass9
AabhasBoyFeeling; Virtual5
AabhatBoyShining; Visible; Brilliant6
AabheerBoyA cowherd; Name of a dynasty4
AabidBoyWorshipper of God8
AabirBoyGulal (Auspicious red powder)22
AacharyaBoyA prominent religious teacher and spiritual guide; Teacher4
AachmanBoyIntake of a sip of water before a Yagya, Puja5
AadabBoyRespect; Hope and need9
AadamBoyThe first prophet of Allah11
AadamyaBoyApne Dam par (On one’s own)1
AadarshBoyIdeal; The Sun; Principle; Belief; Excellence7
AadarshaBoyIdol; Mentor; With an ideology8
AadavanBoyThe Sun8
AadeshBoyCommand; Message; Counsel2
AadhavanBoyThe Sun7
AadheenBoyObedient; Submissive11
AadhilBoyHonorable judge; Justice; Righteous8
AadhiraiBoyA special star6
AadhiroopBoyHonest, Independent, Original6
AadhishBoyFull of wisdom; Intelligent; Commanded; Counselled5
AadhyatmBoyMeditetion ( Dhyan)1
AadiBoyAdornment; Beginning; Perfect; Most significant; Ornament; Unequalled; First6
AadidevBoyThe Lord of the Lords; The first God1
AadijayBoyThe first victory6
AadijithBoyFirst victory8
AadikshBoyExpressive; Diplomatic; Refined8
AadilBoyHonorable judge; Justice; Righteous9
AadimBoyThe entire universe; First; Foundation; Original1
AadinathBoyThe first Lord; Lord Vishnu4
AadishBoyFull of wisdom; Intelligent; Commanded; Counselled6
AadishankarBoySri Shankaracharya, Founder of Adwaitha philosophy6
AaditBoyPeak; Lord of the Sun; First8
AaditeyBoySon of Aditi; The Sun11
AaditeyaBoyThe Sun3
AadithBoyPeak; Lord of the Sun; First7
AadithyaBoyAditi’s son, The Sun, Sun God6
AadithyakethuBoyOne of the Kauravas8
AaditvaBoyA variant of Aditya: the Sun22
AadityaBoyAditi’s son, The Sun, Sun God7
AadroopBoyAn embodiment of the beginning-less7
AadvayBoyUnique; One; United; With no duplicate9
AadyantBoyInfinite from Adi to Ant; From begining to end3
AadyotBoyPraise; Brilliant3
AafanBoyTo Forgive5
AafreenBoyEncouragement; Praise; Blessing5
AaftabBoyThe Sun; Sunlight; Brilliance4
AagamBoyComing; Arrival; A name of Jain shastra; Insight; Intelligence; Wisdom5
AaghaBoyPre-eminent; Master; Chief; Elder brother; Another name for God9
AagneyBoyKarna, the great warrior; One who is born from fire8
AagneyaBoyKarna; the great warrior; One who is born from fire9
AagnivBoyHonest Person9
AahaanBoyDawn, Sunrise, Morning glory, First ray of light; One who is of the nature of time itself8
AahanBoyDawn; Sunrise; Morning glory; First ray of light; One who is of the nature of time itself7
AahiBoySoul; Spirit1
AahlaadBoyDelight; Joy; Happy; Happiness1
AahladBoyDelight; Joy; Happy; Happiness9
AahvanBoyAn invitation call2
AaishBoyDelight; Joy; Pleasure; God blessings2
AakaarBoyShape; Form6
AakampanBoyUnshaken; Calm; Determined22
AakankshBoyHope; Desire3
AakarBoyShape; Form5
AakarshanBoyAttraction; Charm11
AakashBoyThe Sky; Open mindedness5
AakashiBoyThe Sky; Universal; Atmosphere5
AakeshBoyLord of the Sky9
AakhyaanBoyLegend story of famous person8
AakiBoyAutumn; Bright4
AakibBoyGod Gift6
AakifBoyAttached; Intent1
AakshayaBoyEternal; Immortal; Indestructible; Goddess Parvati22
AalamBoyThe universe; The whole world1
AalapBoyMusical prelude; Conversation4
AalayBoyHome; Refuge4
AaleeBoySublime; Lofty; High; Tall6
AalekhBoyPicture; Painting2
AalhadBoyJoy; Happiness9
AaliBoySublime; Lofty; High; Tall; Excellent; Noble5
AalimBoyA knowledgeable person; Wise; Scholarly; Omniscient; Learned; Religious scholar9
AalokBoyLight; Brilliance; Vision4
AabanBoyMore clear; 8th Persian month
AabdarBoyBright; Like glass
AabhasBoyFeeling; Virtual
AabhatBoyShining; Visible; Brilliant
AabheerBoyA cowherd; Name of a dynasty
AabidBoyWorshipper of God
AabirBoyGulal (Auspicious red powder)
AacharyaBoyA prominent religious teacher and spiritual guide; Teacher
AachmanBoyIntake of a sip of water before a Yagya, Puja
AadabBoyRespect; Hope and need
AadamBoyThe first prophet of Allah
AadamyaBoyApne Dam par (On one’s own)
AadarshBoyIdeal; The Sun; Principle; Belief; Excellence
AadarshaBoyIdol; Mentor; With an ideology
AadavanBoyThe Sun
AadeshBoyCommand; Message; Counsel
AadhavanBoyThe Sun
AadheenBoyObedient; Submissive
AadhilBoyHonorable judge; Justice; Righteous
AadhiraiBoyA special star
AadhiroopBoyHonest, Independent, Original
AadhishBoyFull of wisdom; Intelligent; Commanded; Counselled
AadhyatmBoyMeditetion ( Dhyan)
AadiBoyAdornment; Beginning; Perfect; Most significant; Ornament; Unequalled; First
AadidevBoyThe Lord of the Lords; The first God
AadijayBoyThe first victory
AadijithBoyFirst victory
AadikshBoyExpressive; Diplomatic; Refined
AadilBoyHonorable judge; Justice; Righteous
AadimBoyThe entire universe; First; Foundation; Original
AadinathBoyThe first Lord; Lord Vishnu
AadishBoyFull of wisdom; Intelligent; Commanded; Counselled
AadishankarBoySri Shankaracharya, Founder of Adwaitha philosophy
AaditBoyPeak; Lord of the Sun; First
AaditeyBoySon of Aditi; The Sun
AaditeyaBoyThe Sun
AadithBoyPeak; Lord of the Sun; First
AadithyaBoyAditi’s son, The Sun, Sun God
AadithyakethuBoyOne of the Kauravas
AaditvaBoyA variant of Aditya: the Sun
AadityaBoyAditi’s son, The Sun, Sun God
AadroopBoyAn embodiment of the beginning-less
AadvayBoyUnique; One; United; With no duplicate
AadyantBoyInfinite from Adi to Ant; From begining to end
AadyotBoyPraise; Brilliant
AafanBoyTo Forgive
AafreenBoyEncouragement; Praise; Blessing
AaftabBoyThe Sun; Sunlight; Brilliance
AagamBoyComing; Arrival; A name of Jain shastra; Insight; Intelligence; Wisdom
AaghaBoyPre-eminent; Master; Chief; Elder brother; Another name for God
AagneyBoyKarna, the great warrior; One who is born from fire
AagneyaBoyKarna; the great warrior; One who is born from fire
AagnivBoyHonest Person
AahaanBoyDawn, Sunrise, Morning glory, First ray of light; One who is of the nature of time itself
AahanBoyDawn; Sunrise; Morning glory; First ray of light; One who is of the nature of time itself
AahiBoySoul; Spirit
AahlaadBoyDelight; Joy; Happy; Happiness
AahladBoyDelight; Joy; Happy; Happiness
AahvanBoyAn invitation call
AaishBoyDelight; Joy; Pleasure; God blessings
AakaarBoyShape; Form
AakampanBoyUnshaken; Calm; Determined
AakankshBoyHope; Desire
AakarBoyShape; Form
AakarshanBoyAttraction; Charm
AakashBoyThe Sky; Open mindedness
AakashiBoyThe Sky; Universal; Atmosphere
AakeshBoyLord of the Sky
AakhyaanBoyLegend story of famous person
AakiBoyAutumn; Bright
AakibBoyGod Gift
AakifBoyAttached; Intent
AakshayaBoyEternal; Immortal; Indestructible; Goddess Parvati
AalamBoyThe universe; The whole world
AalapBoyMusical prelude; Conversation
AalayBoyHome; Refuge
AaleeBoySublime; Lofty; High; Tall
AalekhBoyPicture; Painting
AalhadBoyJoy; Happiness
AaliBoySublime; Lofty; High; Tall; Excellent; Noble
AalimBoyA knowledgeable person; Wise; Scholarly; Omniscient; Learned; Religious scholar
AalokBoyLight; Brilliance; Vision

Showing 1 – 100 of 2000