Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with B
800 Indian Boy Names with ‘B’ found
Showing 701 – 800 of 800
Indian Boy Names with B
Name | Gender | Meaning | Numerology |
Boudhayan | Boy | The name of a sage | 1 |
Boudik | Boy | 8 | |
Boulos | Boy | Small rock | 3 |
Bragin | Boy | 6 | |
Brahamdutt | Boy | Dedicated to Lord Brahma | 9 |
Brahamjeet | Boy | Triumph of the God | 11 |
Brahamleen | Boy | Absorbed in God | 7 |
Brahma | Boy | Creator of the universe | 7 |
Brahmabrata | Boy | Ascetic | 4 |
Brahmabratha | Boy | Ascetic | 3 |
Brahmadutt | Boy | Dedicated to Lord Brahma | 9 |
Brahmanand | Boy | Supreme Joy | 4 |
Brahmananda | Boy | Supreme Joy | 5 |
Brahmani Lal | Boy | An avatar of Goddess Durga (An incarnation of Goddess Durga) | 1 |
Brahmanya | Boy | Supreme godhead | 11 |
Brahmaputhra | Boy | Name of a river | 1 |
Brahmdev | Boy | God’s exalted Angel | 1 |
Brahmjog | Boy | Union with the Lord | 11 |
Brahmjot | Boy | One in union with God | 6 |
Brahmleen | Boy | Absorbed in Love of God | 6 |
Brahmpal | Boy | Protected by the Lord | 8 |
Brahmtek | Boy | Support of God | 6 |
Brahmvir | Boy | God’s warrior | 1 |
Braj | Boy | Place of Lord Krishna | 4 |
Brajamohan | Boy | Lord Krishna, Vraj – Vrindavan, Mohan – attractive | 11 |
Brajendra | Boy | Lord of Braj land | 1 |
Brajesh | Boy | Lord Krishna; Lord of Vraj | 9 |
Brajraj | Boy | Lord Krishna, King of Vrindavan | 6 |
Bramha | Boy | Creator of the Universe | 7 |
Bramhaghosh | Boy | Chanting of Vedas | 1 |
Bramhanand | Boy | Happiness for knowledge | 4 |
Branesh | Boy | Lord of life | 4 |
Brant | Boy | Sword; Burn; Nourished; Loved | 1 |
Bratindra | Boy | Devoted to the right deeds | 6 |
Bratish | Boy | Pray of God | 5 |
Brent | Boy | Hill top | 5 |
Brihadeesh | Boy | Lord Shiva; The mighty God Brihath – mighty + Esh – God | 7 |
Brihaspathi | Boy | Teacher of Devas; Jupiter; Guru planet | 3 |
Brihaspati | Boy | Teacher of Devas; Jupiter; Guru planet | 4 |
Brihat | Boy | Compact; Massive; Widespread; Great; Large; Mighty; Powerful; Bright; Clear; Name of Lord Vishnu; Loud | 4 |
Brihatbhasha | Boy | Son of sage Agniras | 7 |
Brihatbrahma | Boy | Son of sage Agniras | 11 |
Brihatjyothi | Boy | Son of Agniras | 1 |
Brihatkirti | Boy | Son of Agniras | 8 |
Brihatman | Boy | Son of sage Agniras | 5 |
Brihatmantra | Boy | Son of sage Agniras | 8 |
Brij | Boy | Place of Lord Krishna; Strength; To twist; To leave | 3 |
Brij Kishor | Boy | Lord Krishna, Adolescent of Vrindavan | 11 |
Brij Mohan | Boy | Lord Krishna, Vraj – Vrindavan, Mohan – attractive | 9 |
Brijender | Boy | Lord of Brij, Krishna | 4 |
Brijendra | Boy | Lord of Brij, Lord Krishna | 9 |
Brijesh | Boy | God of the land of Brij | 8 |
Brijmohan | Boy | Lord Krishna, Vraj – Vrindavan, Mohan – attractive | 9 |
Brijnandan | Boy | Lord Krishna; Of Vrindavan | 6 |
Brijodh | Boy | Super Strong | 3 |
Brijraj | Boy | The one who rules the nature | 5 |
Brinder | Boy | Lord of ocean | 7 |
Brirar | Boy | Without pain | 3 |
Briyaan | Boy | High hill | 7 |
Budail | Boy | Name of a companion of the prophet | 6 |
Budair | Boy | Little full Moon | 1 |
Budaira | Boy | Little full Moon | 11 |
Buddha | Boy | Awakened; Lord Buddha; Enlightened, The title first used for prince Gautam who was the founder of the Buddhist religion | 22 |
Buddha Priya | Boy | One liked by Buddha | 1 |
Buddhadev | Boy | Wise person | 8 |
Buddhadeva | Boy | Gautama Buddha | 9 |
Buddhi Priya | Boy | Knowledge bestower | 9 |
Buddhinath | Boy | God of wisdom | 1 |
Buddhipriya | Boy | Knowledge bestower | 9 |
Buddhividhata | Boy | God of knowledge | 5 |
Budhadev | Boy | Lord Sri Buddha | 4 |
Budhil | Boy | Learned | 11 |
Budhjeet | Boy | Victory for wisdom | 3 |
Budhjot | Boy | Light of wisdom | 8 |
Budhpreet | Boy | Love of wisdom | 9 |
Budhroop | Boy | Embodiment of wisdom | 9 |
Bujair | Boy | Name of a Sahabi RA | 7 |
Buji | Boy | A nick loving name | 6 |
Bujud | Boy | Group of people | 4 |
Bukhari | Boy | Muhammad ibn Ismail al-Bukhari | 7 |
Bukka | Boy | Heart; Loving; Sincere | 1 |
Buland | Boy | Hight; Upward | 9 |
Bulesh | Boy | Great | 22 |
Bulhut | Boy | A narrator of Hadith had this name | 3 |
Bunny | Boy | Little rabbit | 22 |
Bunty | Boy | Joy | 1 |
Buqrat | Boy | An ancient physician | 7 |
Burak | Boy | A horse like an animal that carried the prophet (Pbuh) during Mehraj and will carry those that are selected on resurrection day | 8 |
Buraq | Boy | A horse like an animal that carried the prophet (Pbuh) during Mehraj and will carry those that are selected on resurrection day | 5 |
Burayd | Boy | Cold; Mild | 8 |
Buraydah | Boy | It is the name of a place | 8 |
Burhan | Boy | Proof | 1 |
Burhanah | Boy | Proof | 1 |
Bushan | Boy | Enhancement | 2 |
Bushr | Boy | Joy; Happiness; Unripe dates | 5 |
Buvan | Boy | Earth | 6 |
Buvaneswaran | Boy | Born to Win | 6 |
Buvesh | Boy | The king of earth | 5 |
Name | Gender | Meaning |
Boudhayan | Boy | The name of a sage |
Boudik | Boy | |
Boulos | Boy | Small rock |
Bragin | Boy | |
Brahamdutt | Boy | Dedicated to Lord Brahma |
Brahamjeet | Boy | Triumph of the God |
Brahamleen | Boy | Absorbed in God |
Brahma | Boy | Creator of the universe |
Brahmabrata | Boy | Ascetic |
Brahmabratha | Boy | Ascetic |
Brahmadutt | Boy | Dedicated to Lord Brahma |
Brahmanand | Boy | Supreme Joy |
Brahmananda | Boy | Supreme Joy |
Brahmani Lal | Boy | An avatar of Goddess Durga (An incarnation of Goddess Durga) |
Brahmanya | Boy | Supreme godhead |
Brahmaputhra | Boy | Name of a river |
Brahmdev | Boy | God’s exalted Angel |
Brahmjog | Boy | Union with the Lord |
Brahmjot | Boy | One in union with God |
Brahmleen | Boy | Absorbed in Love of God |
Brahmpal | Boy | Protected by the Lord |
Brahmtek | Boy | Support of God |
Brahmvir | Boy | God’s warrior |
Braj | Boy | Place of Lord Krishna |
Brajamohan | Boy | Lord Krishna, Vraj – Vrindavan, Mohan – attractive |
Brajendra | Boy | Lord of Braj land |
Brajesh | Boy | Lord Krishna; Lord of Vraj |
Brajraj | Boy | Lord Krishna, King of Vrindavan |
Bramha | Boy | Creator of the Universe |
Bramhaghosh | Boy | Chanting of Vedas |
Bramhanand | Boy | Happiness for knowledge |
Branesh | Boy | Lord of life |
Brant | Boy | Sword; Burn; Nourished; Loved |
Bratindra | Boy | Devoted to the right deeds |
Bratish | Boy | Pray of God |
Brent | Boy | Hill top |
Brihadeesh | Boy | Lord Shiva; The mighty God Brihath – mighty + Esh – God |
Brihaspathi | Boy | Teacher of Devas; Jupiter; Guru planet |
Brihaspati | Boy | Teacher of Devas; Jupiter; Guru planet |
Brihat | Boy | Compact; Massive; Widespread; Great; Large; Mighty; Powerful; Bright; Clear; Name of Lord Vishnu; Loud |
Brihatbhasha | Boy | Son of sage Agniras |
Brihatbrahma | Boy | Son of sage Agniras |
Brihatjyothi | Boy | Son of Agniras |
Brihatkirti | Boy | Son of Agniras |
Brihatman | Boy | Son of sage Agniras |
Brihatmantra | Boy | Son of sage Agniras |
Brij | Boy | Place of Lord Krishna; Strength; To twist; To leave |
Brij Kishor | Boy | Lord Krishna, Adolescent of Vrindavan |
Brij Mohan | Boy | Lord Krishna, Vraj – Vrindavan, Mohan – attractive |
Brijender | Boy | Lord of Brij, Krishna |
Brijendra | Boy | Lord of Brij, Lord Krishna |
Brijesh | Boy | God of the land of Brij |
Brijmohan | Boy | Lord Krishna, Vraj – Vrindavan, Mohan – attractive |
Brijnandan | Boy | Lord Krishna; Of Vrindavan |
Brijodh | Boy | Super Strong |
Brijraj | Boy | The one who rules the nature |
Brinder | Boy | Lord of ocean |
Brirar | Boy | Without pain |
Briyaan | Boy | High hill |
Budail | Boy | Name of a companion of the prophet |
Budair | Boy | Little full Moon |
Budaira | Boy | Little full Moon |
Buddha | Boy | Awakened; Lord Buddha; Enlightened, The title first used for prince Gautam who was the founder of the Buddhist religion |
Buddha Priya | Boy | One liked by Buddha |
Buddhadev | Boy | Wise person |
Buddhadeva | Boy | Gautama Buddha |
Buddhi Priya | Boy | Knowledge bestower |
Buddhinath | Boy | God of wisdom |
Buddhipriya | Boy | Knowledge bestower |
Buddhividhata | Boy | God of knowledge |
Budhadev | Boy | Lord Sri Buddha |
Budhil | Boy | Learned |
Budhjeet | Boy | Victory for wisdom |
Budhjot | Boy | Light of wisdom |
Budhpreet | Boy | Love of wisdom |
Budhroop | Boy | Embodiment of wisdom |
Bujair | Boy | Name of a Sahabi RA |
Buji | Boy | A nick loving name |
Bujud | Boy | Group of people |
Bukhari | Boy | Muhammad ibn Ismail al-Bukhari |
Bukka | Boy | Heart; Loving; Sincere |
Buland | Boy | Hight; Upward |
Bulesh | Boy | Great |
Bulhut | Boy | A narrator of Hadith had this name |
Bunny | Boy | Little rabbit |
Bunty | Boy | Joy |
Buqrat | Boy | An ancient physician |
Burak | Boy | A horse like an animal that carried the prophet (Pbuh) during Mehraj and will carry those that are selected on resurrection day |
Buraq | Boy | A horse like an animal that carried the prophet (Pbuh) during Mehraj and will carry those that are selected on resurrection day |
Burayd | Boy | Cold; Mild |
Buraydah | Boy | It is the name of a place |
Burhan | Boy | Proof |
Burhanah | Boy | Proof |
Bushan | Boy | Enhancement |
Bushr | Boy | Joy; Happiness; Unripe dates |
Buvan | Boy | Earth |
Buvaneswaran | Boy | Born to Win |
Buvesh | Boy | The king of earth |
Showing 701 – 800 of 800