Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with B

800 Indian Boy Names with ‘B’ found
Showing 701 – 800 of 800

Indian Boy Names with B

BoudhayanBoyThe name of a sage1
BoulosBoySmall rock3
BrahamduttBoyDedicated to Lord Brahma9
BrahamjeetBoyTriumph of the God11
BrahamleenBoyAbsorbed in God7
BrahmaBoyCreator of the universe7
BrahmaduttBoyDedicated to Lord Brahma9
BrahmanandBoySupreme Joy4
BrahmanandaBoySupreme Joy5
Brahmani LalBoyAn avatar of Goddess Durga (An incarnation of Goddess Durga)1
BrahmanyaBoySupreme godhead11
BrahmaputhraBoyName of a river1
BrahmdevBoyGod’s exalted Angel1
BrahmjogBoyUnion with the Lord11
BrahmjotBoyOne in union with God6
BrahmleenBoyAbsorbed in Love of God6
BrahmpalBoyProtected by the Lord8
BrahmtekBoySupport of God6
BrahmvirBoyGod’s warrior1
BrajBoyPlace of Lord Krishna4
BrajamohanBoyLord Krishna, Vraj – Vrindavan, Mohan – attractive11
BrajendraBoyLord of Braj land1
BrajeshBoyLord Krishna; Lord of Vraj9
BrajrajBoyLord Krishna, King of Vrindavan6
BramhaBoyCreator of the Universe7
BramhaghoshBoyChanting of Vedas1
BramhanandBoyHappiness for knowledge4
BraneshBoyLord of life4
BrantBoySword; Burn; Nourished; Loved1
BratindraBoyDevoted to the right deeds6
BratishBoyPray of God5
BrentBoyHill top5
BrihadeeshBoyLord Shiva; The mighty God Brihath – mighty + Esh – God7
BrihaspathiBoyTeacher of Devas; Jupiter; Guru planet3
BrihaspatiBoyTeacher of Devas; Jupiter; Guru planet4
BrihatBoyCompact; Massive; Widespread; Great; Large; Mighty; Powerful; Bright; Clear; Name of Lord Vishnu; Loud4
BrihatbhashaBoySon of sage Agniras7
BrihatbrahmaBoySon of sage Agniras11
BrihatjyothiBoySon of Agniras1
BrihatkirtiBoySon of Agniras8
BrihatmanBoySon of sage Agniras5
BrihatmantraBoySon of sage Agniras8
BrijBoyPlace of Lord Krishna; Strength; To twist; To leave3
Brij KishorBoyLord Krishna, Adolescent of Vrindavan11
Brij MohanBoyLord Krishna, Vraj – Vrindavan, Mohan – attractive9
BrijenderBoyLord of Brij, Krishna4
BrijendraBoyLord of Brij, Lord Krishna9
BrijeshBoyGod of the land of Brij8
BrijmohanBoyLord Krishna, Vraj – Vrindavan, Mohan – attractive9
BrijnandanBoyLord Krishna; Of Vrindavan6
BrijodhBoySuper Strong3
BrijrajBoyThe one who rules the nature5
BrinderBoyLord of ocean7
BrirarBoyWithout pain3
BriyaanBoyHigh hill7
BudailBoyName of a companion of the prophet6
BudairBoyLittle full Moon1
BudairaBoyLittle full Moon11
BuddhaBoyAwakened; Lord Buddha; Enlightened, The title first used for prince Gautam who was the founder of the Buddhist religion22
Buddha PriyaBoyOne liked by Buddha1
BuddhadevBoyWise person8
BuddhadevaBoyGautama Buddha9
Buddhi PriyaBoyKnowledge bestower9
BuddhinathBoyGod of wisdom1
BuddhipriyaBoyKnowledge bestower9
BuddhividhataBoyGod of knowledge5
BudhadevBoyLord Sri Buddha4
BudhjeetBoyVictory for wisdom3
BudhjotBoyLight of wisdom8
BudhpreetBoyLove of wisdom9
BudhroopBoyEmbodiment of wisdom9
BujairBoyName of a Sahabi RA7
BujiBoyA nick loving name6
BujudBoyGroup of people4
BukhariBoyMuhammad ibn Ismail al-Bukhari7
BukkaBoyHeart; Loving; Sincere1
BulandBoyHight; Upward9
BulhutBoyA narrator of Hadith had this name3
BunnyBoyLittle rabbit22
BuqratBoyAn ancient physician7
BurakBoyA horse like an animal that carried the prophet (Pbuh) during Mehraj and will carry those that are selected on resurrection day8
BuraqBoyA horse like an animal that carried the prophet (Pbuh) during Mehraj and will carry those that are selected on resurrection day5
BuraydBoyCold; Mild8
BuraydahBoyIt is the name of a place8
BushrBoyJoy; Happiness; Unripe dates5
BuvaneswaranBoyBorn to Win6
BuveshBoyThe king of earth5
BoudhayanBoyThe name of a sage
BoulosBoySmall rock
BrahamduttBoyDedicated to Lord Brahma
BrahamjeetBoyTriumph of the God
BrahamleenBoyAbsorbed in God
BrahmaBoyCreator of the universe
BrahmaduttBoyDedicated to Lord Brahma
BrahmanandBoySupreme Joy
BrahmanandaBoySupreme Joy
Brahmani LalBoyAn avatar of Goddess Durga (An incarnation of Goddess Durga)
BrahmanyaBoySupreme godhead
BrahmaputhraBoyName of a river
BrahmdevBoyGod’s exalted Angel
BrahmjogBoyUnion with the Lord
BrahmjotBoyOne in union with God
BrahmleenBoyAbsorbed in Love of God
BrahmpalBoyProtected by the Lord
BrahmtekBoySupport of God
BrahmvirBoyGod’s warrior
BrajBoyPlace of Lord Krishna
BrajamohanBoyLord Krishna, Vraj – Vrindavan, Mohan – attractive
BrajendraBoyLord of Braj land
BrajeshBoyLord Krishna; Lord of Vraj
BrajrajBoyLord Krishna, King of Vrindavan
BramhaBoyCreator of the Universe
BramhaghoshBoyChanting of Vedas
BramhanandBoyHappiness for knowledge
BraneshBoyLord of life
BrantBoySword; Burn; Nourished; Loved
BratindraBoyDevoted to the right deeds
BratishBoyPray of God
BrentBoyHill top
BrihadeeshBoyLord Shiva; The mighty God Brihath – mighty + Esh – God
BrihaspathiBoyTeacher of Devas; Jupiter; Guru planet
BrihaspatiBoyTeacher of Devas; Jupiter; Guru planet
BrihatBoyCompact; Massive; Widespread; Great; Large; Mighty; Powerful; Bright; Clear; Name of Lord Vishnu; Loud
BrihatbhashaBoySon of sage Agniras
BrihatbrahmaBoySon of sage Agniras
BrihatjyothiBoySon of Agniras
BrihatkirtiBoySon of Agniras
BrihatmanBoySon of sage Agniras
BrihatmantraBoySon of sage Agniras
BrijBoyPlace of Lord Krishna; Strength; To twist; To leave
Brij KishorBoyLord Krishna, Adolescent of Vrindavan
Brij MohanBoyLord Krishna, Vraj – Vrindavan, Mohan – attractive
BrijenderBoyLord of Brij, Krishna
BrijendraBoyLord of Brij, Lord Krishna
BrijeshBoyGod of the land of Brij
BrijmohanBoyLord Krishna, Vraj – Vrindavan, Mohan – attractive
BrijnandanBoyLord Krishna; Of Vrindavan
BrijodhBoySuper Strong
BrijrajBoyThe one who rules the nature
BrinderBoyLord of ocean
BrirarBoyWithout pain
BriyaanBoyHigh hill
BudailBoyName of a companion of the prophet
BudairBoyLittle full Moon
BudairaBoyLittle full Moon
BuddhaBoyAwakened; Lord Buddha; Enlightened, The title first used for prince Gautam who was the founder of the Buddhist religion
Buddha PriyaBoyOne liked by Buddha
BuddhadevBoyWise person
BuddhadevaBoyGautama Buddha
Buddhi PriyaBoyKnowledge bestower
BuddhinathBoyGod of wisdom
BuddhipriyaBoyKnowledge bestower
BuddhividhataBoyGod of knowledge
BudhadevBoyLord Sri Buddha
BudhjeetBoyVictory for wisdom
BudhjotBoyLight of wisdom
BudhpreetBoyLove of wisdom
BudhroopBoyEmbodiment of wisdom
BujairBoyName of a Sahabi RA
BujiBoyA nick loving name
BujudBoyGroup of people
BukhariBoyMuhammad ibn Ismail al-Bukhari
BukkaBoyHeart; Loving; Sincere
BulandBoyHight; Upward
BulhutBoyA narrator of Hadith had this name
BunnyBoyLittle rabbit
BuqratBoyAn ancient physician
BurakBoyA horse like an animal that carried the prophet (Pbuh) during Mehraj and will carry those that are selected on resurrection day
BuraqBoyA horse like an animal that carried the prophet (Pbuh) during Mehraj and will carry those that are selected on resurrection day
BuraydBoyCold; Mild
BuraydahBoyIt is the name of a place
BushrBoyJoy; Happiness; Unripe dates
BuvaneswaranBoyBorn to Win
BuveshBoyThe king of earth

Showing 701 – 800 of 800