Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with B

800 Indian Boy Names with ‘B’ found
Showing 401 – 500 of 800

Indian Boy Names with B

BhagyeshBoyLord of luck3
BhairabBoyFormidable; Another name for Lord Shiva; One who vanquishes fear5
BhairavBoyFormidable; Another name for Lord Shiva; One who vanquishes fear7
BhajanBoyPrayer; Devotional song9
BhajnaamBoyRemembering the Love of God5
BhajneekBoyAbsorbed in the Love of God11
BhajneetBoyOne who always loves the Lord11
BhajraamBoyRemembering the Lord9
BhaktBoyDevotee; Disciple; Loyal6
BhakthavatsalaBoyProtector of Devotees1
Bhal ChandraBoyYoung Moon; Moon crested Lord9
BhalanetraBoyOne who has an eye in the forehead1
BhalchandraBoyMoon crested Lord9
BhalendraBoyLord of light11
BhandhavyaBoyFriendship; Relationship5
BhanuBoyThe Sun; Brilliant; Virtuous; Beautiful; Ruler; Eminence1
BhanudasBoyA devotee of the Sun7
BhanumitraBoyA friend of Sun; Planet Mercury8
BhanuprasadBoyGift of The Sun6
BhanusreeBoyRays of Laxmidevi3
BharadwajBoyA lucky bird; A sage5
BharaniBoyAccomplished; High achiever; Celestial star8
BharanidharBoyWho rule the world3
BharatBoyDescended from Bharat; Universal monarch; Clever; Race; A demigod and brother of Lord Ram; Fire; One who fulfils all desires5
BharataBoyPleasure-seeking; Well-groomed; A celestial nymph6
BharathBoyDescended from Bharat; Universal monarch; Clever; Race; A demigod and brother of Ram; Fire; One who fulfills all desires4
BharathwajBoyA gotra of hindus11
BharddwajBoyA lucky bird; A sage8
BhargBoyBright; Brilliance; Satisfied9
BhargavBoyLord Shiva, Attaining radiance, Coming from Bhrigu, An epithet of Shiva, The planet venus, An excellent archer5
BhargavaBoyLord Shiva; Attaining radiance; Coming from Bhrigu; An epithet of Shiva; The planet Venus; An excellent archer6
BhargavanBoyName of deity in Ahobilam (A.P.)11
BhargyarajBoyLord of luck1
BharnayuBoySon of comfort9
BharpoorBoyOne who is content; Full to the brim3
BharteshBoyKing of Bharat9
BhartihariBoyName of a poet4
BharuBoyGold; Leader; Responsible; Ocean5
BhaskarBoyBrilliant; Illuminated; Creator; The Sun; Fire; Gold6
BhaskaraBoyThe Sun7
BhaskaranBoyThe Sun3
BhaskerBoyLord Surya the Sun)1
BhasvanBoyLustrous; Full of brightness; Brilliant; Another name for the Sun, God Surya22
BhaswathBoyNever ending; Eternal1
BhaumikBoyLord of the Earth; Landowner; Attached to the Earth11
BhautikBoyEverything you see; Feel; Smell9
BhavBoyLord Shiva; Sentiment; Real6
Bhav BhootiBoyThe universe3
BhavadBoyLife giving; Real2
BhavadeepBoyAlways living with Happy1
BhavamanyuBoyCreator of universe9
BhavanBoyCreator; Solicitous; Charming; Brilliant; Another name for Lord Krishna; Palace3
BhavandeepBoyTemple lamp6
Bhavani SankarBoyGoddess Parvati and Lord Shiva4
BhavanjotBoySoothing light3
Bhavarogasya BheshajaBoyReliever of all earthly ailments3
BhavdeepBoyThe lamp of the world9
BhaveshBoyLord of sentiment; Lord of existence; Lord of the universe; Lord Shiva11
BhavikBoyA devotee of God; Devout; Worthy; Happy8
BhavinBoyLiving; Existing; Winner; Man11
BhavjeetBoyOne who swims across the dreadful world ocean1
BhavjinderBoyTemple shrine of the God of heaven3
BhavleenBoyEngrossed in the world6
BhavmanyuBoyPride of Lord Shiva8
BhavmeetBoyA friend of the world4
BhavneetBoyMoral of the world5
BhavpalBoyLord; The worlds protector8
BhavpremBoyLove for the world4
BhavyanshBoyBigger part1
BhavyeshBoyLord Shiva; Bhavya – proper; Excellent; Auspicious; Handsome; Future; Gorgeous; Showy in appearance; Prosperous; Tranquil in mind; Name of a son of Dhruv; Name of Shiva + Ish – God9
BhawaneshBoyOwner of the house9
BhawanidasBoyA devotee of Goddess Durga1
BheemaBoyHuge and gigantic; The mighty one7
BheemabalaBoyOne of the Kauravas5
BheemavegaBoyOne of the Kauravas6
BheemavikraBoyOne of the Kauravas5
BheemeshBoyVariant name of Bheema11
BhesajBoyLord Vishnu; The healer; Who cures the disease of birth and death cycles9
BhagyeshBoyLord of luck
BhairabBoyFormidable; Another name for Lord Shiva; One who vanquishes fear
BhairavBoyFormidable; Another name for Lord Shiva; One who vanquishes fear
BhajanBoyPrayer; Devotional song
BhajnaamBoyRemembering the Love of God
BhajneekBoyAbsorbed in the Love of God
BhajneetBoyOne who always loves the Lord
BhajraamBoyRemembering the Lord
BhaktBoyDevotee; Disciple; Loyal
BhakthavatsalaBoyProtector of Devotees
Bhal ChandraBoyYoung Moon; Moon crested Lord
BhalanetraBoyOne who has an eye in the forehead
BhalchandraBoyMoon crested Lord
BhalendraBoyLord of light
BhandhavyaBoyFriendship; Relationship
BhanuBoyThe Sun; Brilliant; Virtuous; Beautiful; Ruler; Eminence
BhanudasBoyA devotee of the Sun
BhanumitraBoyA friend of Sun; Planet Mercury
BhanuprasadBoyGift of The Sun
BhanusreeBoyRays of Laxmidevi
BharadwajBoyA lucky bird; A sage
BharaniBoyAccomplished; High achiever; Celestial star
BharanidharBoyWho rule the world
BharatBoyDescended from Bharat; Universal monarch; Clever; Race; A demigod and brother of Lord Ram; Fire; One who fulfils all desires
BharataBoyPleasure-seeking; Well-groomed; A celestial nymph
BharathBoyDescended from Bharat; Universal monarch; Clever; Race; A demigod and brother of Ram; Fire; One who fulfills all desires
BharathwajBoyA gotra of hindus
BharddwajBoyA lucky bird; A sage
BhargBoyBright; Brilliance; Satisfied
BhargavBoyLord Shiva, Attaining radiance, Coming from Bhrigu, An epithet of Shiva, The planet venus, An excellent archer
BhargavaBoyLord Shiva; Attaining radiance; Coming from Bhrigu; An epithet of Shiva; The planet Venus; An excellent archer
BhargavanBoyName of deity in Ahobilam (A.P.)
BhargyarajBoyLord of luck
BharnayuBoySon of comfort
BharpoorBoyOne who is content; Full to the brim
BharteshBoyKing of Bharat
BhartihariBoyName of a poet
BharuBoyGold; Leader; Responsible; Ocean
BhaskarBoyBrilliant; Illuminated; Creator; The Sun; Fire; Gold
BhaskaraBoyThe Sun
BhaskaranBoyThe Sun
BhaskerBoyLord Surya the Sun)
BhasvanBoyLustrous; Full of brightness; Brilliant; Another name for the Sun, God Surya
BhaswathBoyNever ending; Eternal
BhaumikBoyLord of the Earth; Landowner; Attached to the Earth
BhautikBoyEverything you see; Feel; Smell
BhavBoyLord Shiva; Sentiment; Real
Bhav BhootiBoyThe universe
BhavadBoyLife giving; Real
BhavadeepBoyAlways living with Happy
BhavamanyuBoyCreator of universe
BhavanBoyCreator; Solicitous; Charming; Brilliant; Another name for Lord Krishna; Palace
BhavandeepBoyTemple lamp
Bhavani SankarBoyGoddess Parvati and Lord Shiva
BhavanjotBoySoothing light
Bhavarogasya BheshajaBoyReliever of all earthly ailments
BhavdeepBoyThe lamp of the world
BhaveshBoyLord of sentiment; Lord of existence; Lord of the universe; Lord Shiva
BhavikBoyA devotee of God; Devout; Worthy; Happy
BhavinBoyLiving; Existing; Winner; Man
BhavjeetBoyOne who swims across the dreadful world ocean
BhavjinderBoyTemple shrine of the God of heaven
BhavleenBoyEngrossed in the world
BhavmanyuBoyPride of Lord Shiva
BhavmeetBoyA friend of the world
BhavneetBoyMoral of the world
BhavpalBoyLord; The worlds protector
BhavpremBoyLove for the world
BhavyanshBoyBigger part
BhavyeshBoyLord Shiva; Bhavya – proper; Excellent; Auspicious; Handsome; Future; Gorgeous; Showy in appearance; Prosperous; Tranquil in mind; Name of a son of Dhruv; Name of Shiva + Ish – God
BhawaneshBoyOwner of the house
BhawanidasBoyA devotee of Goddess Durga
BheemaBoyHuge and gigantic; The mighty one
BheemabalaBoyOne of the Kauravas
BheemavegaBoyOne of the Kauravas
BheemavikraBoyOne of the Kauravas
BheemeshBoyVariant name of Bheema
BhesajBoyLord Vishnu; The healer; Who cures the disease of birth and death cycles

Showing 401 – 500 of 800