Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with B

800 Indian Boy Names with ‘B’ found
Showing 101 – 200 of 800

Indian Boy Names with B

BakshBoyGift of Guru; Fortune; Donor5
BaksheeshBoyDivine blessing6
BakuBoyWar horn; Lightning; Brilliant8
BakulBoyFlower; Clever; Patient; Circumspect; Attentive; Another name for Shiva11
BakurBoyPrecocious; Early coming8
BalBoyYoung; Infant; Strong; Strength; Vigour; Bridge; Victory6
Bal BhadraBoyBrother of Krishna4
Bal GopalBoyBaby Krishna; Infant Krishna3
Bal KrishanBoyYoung Krishna5
Bal KrishnaBoyYoung Krishna5
Bal MukundBoyName of Lord Krishna9
Bala ChandraBoyYoung Moon; Moon crested Lord11
Bala GanapatiBoyBeloved and lovable child4
Bala GopalBoyBaby Krishna; Infant Krishna4
Bala GovindBoyYoung cow-herd; Infant Krishna6
Bala KumarBoyYouthful8
Bala ManiBoyYoung Jewel; Small Jewel8
Bala MohanBoyOne who is attractive4
Bala MuraliBoyYoung Krishna with flute9
Bala MuruganBoyYoung Lord Murugan; Lord Murugan’s childhood3
Bala ShankarBoyYoung Lord Shiva7
Bala SubramaniBoyLord of Subramaniam6
Bala SubramanianBoyLord Murugan, The child who is a worthy Jewel3
BalaadityaBoyYoung Sun; Young man; The newly risen Sun4
BalaarkBoyThe rising Sun1
BalabhadraBoyAnother name of Balarama5
BalachandarBoyYoung Moon11
BalachandraBoyYoung Moon; Crescent Moon11
BalachandranBoyMoon crested Lord7
BaladhiBoyDeep insight1
BaladhityaBoyYoung Sun; Young man; The newly risen Sun11
BaladityaBoyYoung Sun; Young man; The newly risen Sun3
BalaganapatiBoyBeloved and lovable child4
BalaghBoyAnother name of holy Quran22
BalagopalBoyChild Krishna4
BalagovindBoyYoung cow-herd; Infant Krishna6
BalajBoyGlitter; Shine; Grain; Born of strength8
BalajeeBoyAnother name of the Hindu Lord Venkatachalapathy (Tirupathi), A name of Lord Vishnu9
BalajiBoyAnother name of the Hindu Lord Venkata Chalapathi (Tirupathi), A name of Lord Vishnu8
BalaknathBoyChild master7
BalakrishnaBoyYoung Krishna6
BalambuBoySon of Sambhu, Lord Shiva7
BalamuruganBoyYoung Lord Murugan; Lord Murugan’s childhood3
BalanathBoyLord of strength5
BalarBoyStrength; Power; Army7
BalarajBoyStrong; King9
BalaramBoyBrother of Lord Krishna3
BalaraviBoyThe morning Sun3
BalarkaBoySadrushanana like the rising Sun1
BalavantBoyLord Hanuman; Full of might; Strong1
BalayBoyCornice; Eaves5
BalbeerBoyMighty and brave; Strong9
BalbhagBoyFortunate and powerful6
BalbirBoyMighty and brave; Strong8
BalchandraBoyYoung Moon1
BaldebBoyGod like in power, Another name of Balram8
BaldeepBoyCreative and idealistic9
BaldevBoyGod like in power, Another name of Balram1
BaleeghBoyMajor; Eloquent; Learned; Vivid4
BaleelBoyMoisture; One of the prophet1
BalendraBoyLord Krishna; Strong and powerful God3
BalenduBoyYoung Moon5
BalgopalBoyBaby Krishna; Infant Krishna3
BalgovindBoyLord Krishna, Young cowherd, Name of Krishna5
BalhaarBoySurrounded by strength7
BaliBoyA mighty warrior; Brave; Powerful; Strength; Offering6
BalighBoyMajor; Eloquent; Learned; Vivid3
BaliharBoySacrifice; Devotion6
BalinderBoyLord Krishna; Strong and powerful God11
BaljeetBoyMighty victorious.aspx’>victorious; Mighty victor1
BaljinderBoyOne who cares for others3
BaljitBoyMighty victorious.aspx’>victorious; Mighty victor9
BaljiwanBoyLife with strength9
BalkarBoyMighty creator9
BalkrishanBoyYoung Krishna5
BalkrishnaBoyLord Krishna; Beautiful5
BallabhBoyBeloved; Dear; First; Cowherd; Lover2
BallalBoyThe Sun4
BalmaniBoyYoung Jewel; Small Jewel7
BalmeetBoyPowerful friend; Mighty friend22
BalmohanBoyOne who is attractive3
BalpreetBoyMighty Love7
BalrajBoyStrong; King8
BalramBoyBrother of Lord Krishna2
BaltejBoyOne with glorious might5
BalvanBoyPowerful and mighty7
BalvantBoyOf immense strength; Lord Hanuman; Full of might9
BalveerBoyStrong soldier; Powerful and brave11
BalvinderBoyGod of force; Strong6
BalvirBoyStrong soldier; Powerful and brave1
BalwantBoyOf immense strength; Lord Hanuman; Full of might1
BalwinderBoyGod of force; Strong7
BanaahBoyTall and attractive9
BakshBoyGift of Guru; Fortune; Donor
BaksheeshBoyDivine blessing
BakuBoyWar horn; Lightning; Brilliant
BakulBoyFlower; Clever; Patient; Circumspect; Attentive; Another name for Shiva
BakurBoyPrecocious; Early coming
BalBoyYoung; Infant; Strong; Strength; Vigour; Bridge; Victory
Bal BhadraBoyBrother of Krishna
Bal GopalBoyBaby Krishna; Infant Krishna
Bal KrishanBoyYoung Krishna
Bal KrishnaBoyYoung Krishna
Bal MukundBoyName of Lord Krishna
Bala ChandraBoyYoung Moon; Moon crested Lord
Bala GanapatiBoyBeloved and lovable child
Bala GopalBoyBaby Krishna; Infant Krishna
Bala GovindBoyYoung cow-herd; Infant Krishna
Bala KumarBoyYouthful
Bala ManiBoyYoung Jewel; Small Jewel
Bala MohanBoyOne who is attractive
Bala MuraliBoyYoung Krishna with flute
Bala MuruganBoyYoung Lord Murugan; Lord Murugan’s childhood
Bala ShankarBoyYoung Lord Shiva
Bala SubramaniBoyLord of Subramaniam
Bala SubramanianBoyLord Murugan, The child who is a worthy Jewel
BalaadityaBoyYoung Sun; Young man; The newly risen Sun
BalaarkBoyThe rising Sun
BalabhadraBoyAnother name of Balarama
BalachandarBoyYoung Moon
BalachandraBoyYoung Moon; Crescent Moon
BalachandranBoyMoon crested Lord
BaladhiBoyDeep insight
BaladhityaBoyYoung Sun; Young man; The newly risen Sun
BaladityaBoyYoung Sun; Young man; The newly risen Sun
BalaganapatiBoyBeloved and lovable child
BalaghBoyAnother name of holy Quran
BalagopalBoyChild Krishna
BalagovindBoyYoung cow-herd; Infant Krishna
BalajBoyGlitter; Shine; Grain; Born of strength
BalajeeBoyAnother name of the Hindu Lord Venkatachalapathy (Tirupathi), A name of Lord Vishnu
BalajiBoyAnother name of the Hindu Lord Venkata Chalapathi (Tirupathi), A name of Lord Vishnu
BalaknathBoyChild master
BalakrishnaBoyYoung Krishna
BalambuBoySon of Sambhu, Lord Shiva
BalamuruganBoyYoung Lord Murugan; Lord Murugan’s childhood
BalanathBoyLord of strength
BalarBoyStrength; Power; Army
BalarajBoyStrong; King
BalaramBoyBrother of Lord Krishna
BalaraviBoyThe morning Sun
BalarkaBoySadrushanana like the rising Sun
BalavantBoyLord Hanuman; Full of might; Strong
BalayBoyCornice; Eaves
BalbeerBoyMighty and brave; Strong
BalbhagBoyFortunate and powerful
BalbirBoyMighty and brave; Strong
BalchandraBoyYoung Moon
BaldebBoyGod like in power, Another name of Balram
BaldeepBoyCreative and idealistic
BaldevBoyGod like in power, Another name of Balram
BaleeghBoyMajor; Eloquent; Learned; Vivid
BaleelBoyMoisture; One of the prophet
BalendraBoyLord Krishna; Strong and powerful God
BalenduBoyYoung Moon
BalgopalBoyBaby Krishna; Infant Krishna
BalgovindBoyLord Krishna, Young cowherd, Name of Krishna
BalhaarBoySurrounded by strength
BaliBoyA mighty warrior; Brave; Powerful; Strength; Offering
BalighBoyMajor; Eloquent; Learned; Vivid
BaliharBoySacrifice; Devotion
BalinderBoyLord Krishna; Strong and powerful God
BaljeetBoyMighty victorious.aspx’>victorious; Mighty victor
BaljinderBoyOne who cares for others
BaljitBoyMighty victorious.aspx’>victorious; Mighty victor
BaljiwanBoyLife with strength
BalkarBoyMighty creator
BalkrishanBoyYoung Krishna
BalkrishnaBoyLord Krishna; Beautiful
BallabhBoyBeloved; Dear; First; Cowherd; Lover
BallalBoyThe Sun
BalmaniBoyYoung Jewel; Small Jewel
BalmeetBoyPowerful friend; Mighty friend
BalmohanBoyOne who is attractive
BalpreetBoyMighty Love
BalrajBoyStrong; King
BalramBoyBrother of Lord Krishna
BaltejBoyOne with glorious might
BalvanBoyPowerful and mighty
BalvantBoyOf immense strength; Lord Hanuman; Full of might
BalveerBoyStrong soldier; Powerful and brave
BalvinderBoyGod of force; Strong
BalvirBoyStrong soldier; Powerful and brave
BalwantBoyOf immense strength; Lord Hanuman; Full of might
BalwinderBoyGod of force; Strong
BanaahBoyTall and attractive

Showing 101 – 200 of 800