Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with B
800 Indian Boy Names with ‘B’ found
Showing 101 – 200 of 800
Indian Boy Names with B
Name | Gender | Meaning | Numerology |
Baksh | Boy | Gift of Guru; Fortune; Donor | 5 |
Baksheesh | Boy | Divine blessing | 6 |
Baku | Boy | War horn; Lightning; Brilliant | 8 |
Bakul | Boy | Flower; Clever; Patient; Circumspect; Attentive; Another name for Shiva | 11 |
Bakur | Boy | Precocious; Early coming | 8 |
Bal | Boy | Young; Infant; Strong; Strength; Vigour; Bridge; Victory | 6 |
Bal Bhadra | Boy | Brother of Krishna | 4 |
Bal Gopal | Boy | Baby Krishna; Infant Krishna | 3 |
Bal Krishan | Boy | Young Krishna | 5 |
Bal Krishna | Boy | Young Krishna | 5 |
Bal Mukund | Boy | Name of Lord Krishna | 9 |
Bala Chandra | Boy | Young Moon; Moon crested Lord | 11 |
Bala Ganapati | Boy | Beloved and lovable child | 4 |
Bala Gopal | Boy | Baby Krishna; Infant Krishna | 4 |
Bala Govind | Boy | Young cow-herd; Infant Krishna | 6 |
Bala Kumar | Boy | Youthful | 8 |
Bala Mani | Boy | Young Jewel; Small Jewel | 8 |
Bala Mohan | Boy | One who is attractive | 4 |
Bala Murali | Boy | Young Krishna with flute | 9 |
Bala Murugan | Boy | Young Lord Murugan; Lord Murugan’s childhood | 3 |
Bala Shankar | Boy | Young Lord Shiva | 7 |
Bala Subramani | Boy | Lord of Subramaniam | 6 |
Bala Subramanian | Boy | Lord Murugan, The child who is a worthy Jewel | 3 |
Balaaditya | Boy | Young Sun; Young man; The newly risen Sun | 4 |
Balaark | Boy | The rising Sun | 1 |
Balabhadra | Boy | Another name of Balarama | 5 |
Balachandar | Boy | Young Moon | 11 |
Balachandra | Boy | Young Moon; Crescent Moon | 11 |
Balachandran | Boy | Moon crested Lord | 7 |
Baladhi | Boy | Deep insight | 1 |
Baladhitya | Boy | Young Sun; Young man; The newly risen Sun | 11 |
Baladitya | Boy | Young Sun; Young man; The newly risen Sun | 3 |
Balaganapati | Boy | Beloved and lovable child | 4 |
Balagh | Boy | Another name of holy Quran | 22 |
Balagopal | Boy | Child Krishna | 4 |
Balagovind | Boy | Young cow-herd; Infant Krishna | 6 |
Balaj | Boy | Glitter; Shine; Grain; Born of strength | 8 |
Balajee | Boy | Another name of the Hindu Lord Venkatachalapathy (Tirupathi), A name of Lord Vishnu | 9 |
Balaji | Boy | Another name of the Hindu Lord Venkata Chalapathi (Tirupathi), A name of Lord Vishnu | 8 |
Balaknath | Boy | Child master | 7 |
Balakrishna | Boy | Young Krishna | 6 |
Balambu | Boy | Son of Sambhu, Lord Shiva | 7 |
Balamurugan | Boy | Young Lord Murugan; Lord Murugan’s childhood | 3 |
Balan | Boy | Youthful | 3 |
Balanath | Boy | Lord of strength | 5 |
Balar | Boy | Strength; Power; Army | 7 |
Balaraj | Boy | Strong; King | 9 |
Balaram | Boy | Brother of Lord Krishna | 3 |
Balaravi | Boy | The morning Sun | 3 |
Balarka | Boy | Sadrushanana like the rising Sun | 1 |
Balasubramani | Boy | 6 | |
Balavan | Boy | Powerful | 8 |
Balavant | Boy | Lord Hanuman; Full of might; Strong | 1 |
Balay | Boy | Cornice; Eaves | 5 |
Balbeer | Boy | Mighty and brave; Strong | 9 |
Balbhag | Boy | Fortunate and powerful | 6 |
Balbir | Boy | Mighty and brave; Strong | 8 |
Balchandra | Boy | Young Moon | 1 |
Baldeb | Boy | God like in power, Another name of Balram | 8 |
Baldeep | Boy | Creative and idealistic | 9 |
Baldev | Boy | God like in power, Another name of Balram | 1 |
Baleegh | Boy | Major; Eloquent; Learned; Vivid | 4 |
Baleel | Boy | Moisture; One of the prophet | 1 |
Balendra | Boy | Lord Krishna; Strong and powerful God | 3 |
Balendu | Boy | Young Moon | 5 |
Balgopal | Boy | Baby Krishna; Infant Krishna | 3 |
Balgovind | Boy | Lord Krishna, Young cowherd, Name of Krishna | 5 |
Balhaar | Boy | Surrounded by strength | 7 |
Bali | Boy | A mighty warrior; Brave; Powerful; Strength; Offering | 6 |
Baligh | Boy | Major; Eloquent; Learned; Vivid | 3 |
Balihar | Boy | Sacrifice; Devotion | 6 |
Balinder | Boy | Lord Krishna; Strong and powerful God | 11 |
Balj | Boy | Delighted | 7 |
Baljeet | Boy | Mighty victorious.aspx’>victorious; Mighty victor | 1 |
Baljinder | Boy | One who cares for others | 3 |
Baljit | Boy | Mighty victorious.aspx’>victorious; Mighty victor | 9 |
Baljiwan | Boy | Life with strength | 9 |
Balkar | Boy | Mighty creator | 9 |
Balkrishan | Boy | Young Krishna | 5 |
Balkrishna | Boy | Lord Krishna; Beautiful | 5 |
Ballabh | Boy | Beloved; Dear; First; Cowherd; Lover | 2 |
Ballal | Boy | The Sun | 4 |
Balmani | Boy | Young Jewel; Small Jewel | 7 |
Balmeet | Boy | Powerful friend; Mighty friend | 22 |
Balmohan | Boy | One who is attractive | 3 |
Balpreet | Boy | Mighty Love | 7 |
Balrah | Boy | 6 | |
Balraj | Boy | Strong; King | 8 |
Balram | Boy | Brother of Lord Krishna | 2 |
Baltej | Boy | One with glorious might | 5 |
Balu | Boy | Cheater | 9 |
Balvan | Boy | Powerful and mighty | 7 |
Balvant | Boy | Of immense strength; Lord Hanuman; Full of might | 9 |
Balveer | Boy | Strong soldier; Powerful and brave | 11 |
Balvinder | Boy | God of force; Strong | 6 |
Balvindra | Boy | Strong | 11 |
Balvir | Boy | Strong soldier; Powerful and brave | 1 |
Balwant | Boy | Of immense strength; Lord Hanuman; Full of might | 1 |
Balwinder | Boy | God of force; Strong | 7 |
Banaah | Boy | Tall and attractive | 9 |
Name | Gender | Meaning |
Baksh | Boy | Gift of Guru; Fortune; Donor |
Baksheesh | Boy | Divine blessing |
Baku | Boy | War horn; Lightning; Brilliant |
Bakul | Boy | Flower; Clever; Patient; Circumspect; Attentive; Another name for Shiva |
Bakur | Boy | Precocious; Early coming |
Bal | Boy | Young; Infant; Strong; Strength; Vigour; Bridge; Victory |
Bal Bhadra | Boy | Brother of Krishna |
Bal Gopal | Boy | Baby Krishna; Infant Krishna |
Bal Krishan | Boy | Young Krishna |
Bal Krishna | Boy | Young Krishna |
Bal Mukund | Boy | Name of Lord Krishna |
Bala Chandra | Boy | Young Moon; Moon crested Lord |
Bala Ganapati | Boy | Beloved and lovable child |
Bala Gopal | Boy | Baby Krishna; Infant Krishna |
Bala Govind | Boy | Young cow-herd; Infant Krishna |
Bala Kumar | Boy | Youthful |
Bala Mani | Boy | Young Jewel; Small Jewel |
Bala Mohan | Boy | One who is attractive |
Bala Murali | Boy | Young Krishna with flute |
Bala Murugan | Boy | Young Lord Murugan; Lord Murugan’s childhood |
Bala Shankar | Boy | Young Lord Shiva |
Bala Subramani | Boy | Lord of Subramaniam |
Bala Subramanian | Boy | Lord Murugan, The child who is a worthy Jewel |
Balaaditya | Boy | Young Sun; Young man; The newly risen Sun |
Balaark | Boy | The rising Sun |
Balabhadra | Boy | Another name of Balarama |
Balachandar | Boy | Young Moon |
Balachandra | Boy | Young Moon; Crescent Moon |
Balachandran | Boy | Moon crested Lord |
Baladhi | Boy | Deep insight |
Baladhitya | Boy | Young Sun; Young man; The newly risen Sun |
Baladitya | Boy | Young Sun; Young man; The newly risen Sun |
Balaganapati | Boy | Beloved and lovable child |
Balagh | Boy | Another name of holy Quran |
Balagopal | Boy | Child Krishna |
Balagovind | Boy | Young cow-herd; Infant Krishna |
Balaj | Boy | Glitter; Shine; Grain; Born of strength |
Balajee | Boy | Another name of the Hindu Lord Venkatachalapathy (Tirupathi), A name of Lord Vishnu |
Balaji | Boy | Another name of the Hindu Lord Venkata Chalapathi (Tirupathi), A name of Lord Vishnu |
Balaknath | Boy | Child master |
Balakrishna | Boy | Young Krishna |
Balambu | Boy | Son of Sambhu, Lord Shiva |
Balamurugan | Boy | Young Lord Murugan; Lord Murugan’s childhood |
Balan | Boy | Youthful |
Balanath | Boy | Lord of strength |
Balar | Boy | Strength; Power; Army |
Balaraj | Boy | Strong; King |
Balaram | Boy | Brother of Lord Krishna |
Balaravi | Boy | The morning Sun |
Balarka | Boy | Sadrushanana like the rising Sun |
Balasubramani | Boy | |
Balavan | Boy | Powerful |
Balavant | Boy | Lord Hanuman; Full of might; Strong |
Balay | Boy | Cornice; Eaves |
Balbeer | Boy | Mighty and brave; Strong |
Balbhag | Boy | Fortunate and powerful |
Balbir | Boy | Mighty and brave; Strong |
Balchandra | Boy | Young Moon |
Baldeb | Boy | God like in power, Another name of Balram |
Baldeep | Boy | Creative and idealistic |
Baldev | Boy | God like in power, Another name of Balram |
Baleegh | Boy | Major; Eloquent; Learned; Vivid |
Baleel | Boy | Moisture; One of the prophet |
Balendra | Boy | Lord Krishna; Strong and powerful God |
Balendu | Boy | Young Moon |
Balgopal | Boy | Baby Krishna; Infant Krishna |
Balgovind | Boy | Lord Krishna, Young cowherd, Name of Krishna |
Balhaar | Boy | Surrounded by strength |
Bali | Boy | A mighty warrior; Brave; Powerful; Strength; Offering |
Baligh | Boy | Major; Eloquent; Learned; Vivid |
Balihar | Boy | Sacrifice; Devotion |
Balinder | Boy | Lord Krishna; Strong and powerful God |
Balj | Boy | Delighted |
Baljeet | Boy | Mighty victorious.aspx’>victorious; Mighty victor |
Baljinder | Boy | One who cares for others |
Baljit | Boy | Mighty victorious.aspx’>victorious; Mighty victor |
Baljiwan | Boy | Life with strength |
Balkar | Boy | Mighty creator |
Balkrishan | Boy | Young Krishna |
Balkrishna | Boy | Lord Krishna; Beautiful |
Ballabh | Boy | Beloved; Dear; First; Cowherd; Lover |
Ballal | Boy | The Sun |
Balmani | Boy | Young Jewel; Small Jewel |
Balmeet | Boy | Powerful friend; Mighty friend |
Balmohan | Boy | One who is attractive |
Balpreet | Boy | Mighty Love |
Balrah | Boy | |
Balraj | Boy | Strong; King |
Balram | Boy | Brother of Lord Krishna |
Baltej | Boy | One with glorious might |
Balu | Boy | Cheater |
Balvan | Boy | Powerful and mighty |
Balvant | Boy | Of immense strength; Lord Hanuman; Full of might |
Balveer | Boy | Strong soldier; Powerful and brave |
Balvinder | Boy | God of force; Strong |
Balvindra | Boy | Strong |
Balvir | Boy | Strong soldier; Powerful and brave |
Balwant | Boy | Of immense strength; Lord Hanuman; Full of might |
Balwinder | Boy | God of force; Strong |
Banaah | Boy | Tall and attractive |
Showing 101 – 200 of 800