Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with A

2000 Indian Boy Names with ‘A’ found
Showing 1501 – 1600 of 2000

Indian Boy Names with A

AnantajeetBoyThe victor of infinity; Lord Vishnu; Ever victorious Lord
AnantajitBoyThe victor of infinity; Lord Vishnu; Ever victorious Lord
AnantarjotBoyGod’s light
AnantdevBoyOf immeasurable divinity
AnanthBoyInfinite; Eternal; Godly; The Earth; Vishnu; Shiva; Another name for Brahma; Endless
AnanthanBoyName of Lord Murugan
AnantimBoyTone continued; Not final
AnantjeetBoyEndless victory
AnantramBoyEternal God
AnantvirBoyBoundlessly heroic
AnanyeBoyThe most honorable Ananye Guru Shri
AnanyoBoySole; Peerless
AnasBoyA person who brings you joy and peace of mind, who removes worries of your life
AnasahBoyFreed slave of prophet
AnashBoyUndivided; Indestructible; The Sky; Brahman or the supreme spirit
AnashayBoySelfless; Without any self interest; Unselfish
AnashinBoyIndestructible; Eternal
AnashwarBoyThe one who never gets destroyed
AnashyaBoyIndestructible; Eternal
AnavBoyOcean; King; Rich; Generous; Kind; Humane
AnayaBoyWithout a superior; God has shown favour
AnayeBoyConsort of Goddess Radha, Another name of Lord Ganesh, Without a superior; Another name for Lord Vishnu
AnbarasanBoyKing of Love
AnbarasuBoyKing of Love
AnbuBoyLove; Kindness
AnbuchelvanBoyKind; King of Love
AnbumadiBoyKind and intelligent
AnbutamilBoyBrilliant ; Intelligent
AnchitBoyHonorable; Someone honored and respected
AndazBoyIntention; Purpose; Guess; Measure; Opinion
AndeepBoyModest lamp
AneekBoyLord Ganesh; Soldier; Many; Light; Army; Face
AneeqBoyValuable; Neat; Elegant; Smart
AneesBoyA close friend; Good company; Smart one; Companion; Supreme
AneeshBoyA close friend; Good company; Smart one; Companion; Supreme; Another name for Krishna and Vishnu
AneeshkourBoyRelated to God
AneetBoyJoyful unending; Calmness
AneethBoyJoyful unending; Calmness; Leader; Artless; Simple
AnekBoyLord Ganesh; Soldier; Many
AneshBoyClose friend; Good company; Smart one; Companion; Supreme
AnfalBoySpoils of war
AngadBoyAn ornament, Bracelet; Warrior; Beautifully formed
Angad VeerBoyHeroic brother of the original one
AngadaBoyAn ornament, Bracelet
AngadanBoyBrother of Bali and Sugriva
AngaddevBoyIn service of the original one
AngajBoySon; Corporeal; Earthly Love; Another name for the Love God Kaaina
AngamuthuBoyMade of pearls
AngangBoyGod of Love
AngaraBoyLord Vishnu; Embers; The planet Mars; Name of a prince of Maruts
AngirasBoyName of a sage
AngrajBoyKing of State Ang
AnhadBoyCelestial music
AnharBoyLord Krishna
AnidevBoyFavor; Grace
AnikBoyLord Ganesh; Soldier; Many; Light; Army; Face
AnikaitBoyLord of the world; Lord Shiva; Lord of all
AnikanchanBoyMore than gold
AnikantBoyBlue jewel
AnikeshBoyName of Lord Vishnu from Sahasranamam
AniketBoyLord of the world; Lord Shiva; Lord of all
AnikethBoyLord of the world; Lord Shiva; Lord of all
AnilBoyGod of wind; Brilliant; Shining; Fair; Another name for Vishnu and Shiva
AnilabhBoySpirit of the wind
AniljotBoyLight of air
AnilpalBoyImmaculate protector
AnimaeshBoyBlazing; Vivid
AnimanBoyUnbounded; Omnipresent; Divine
AnimashBoyBright; To stare open-eyed; Divine; Omnipresent, Omniscient
AnimeshBoyBright; To stare open-eyed; Divine; Omnipresent; Omniscient
AnindithBoyThe blameless one; One with no faults; The perfect human being
AnindyaBoyBeyond criticism; Praiseworthy; Perfect; Innocent; Handsome; Irreproachable
AniqBoyValuable; Neat; Elegant; Smart
AnirbanBoyThe eternal flame; Divine; Immortal
AniroodhBoyBoundless; Unstoppable; Victorious; Unopposed; An incarnation of Buddha and Vishnu
AniruddhBoyName of Lord Vishnu with numerological strength
AniruddhaBoyWhich can’t be restricted; Courageous
AniruddhanBoyWhich can’t be restricted; Courageous
AnirudhBoyBoundless; Unstoppable; Victorious; Unopposed; An incarnation of Buddha and Vishnu
AnirudhaBoyVictorious; Cooperative; Unopposed
AnirudhhaBoyVictorious; Cooperative; Unopposed
AnirudraBoyLord Shiva
AniruduBoyBoundless; Lord Vishnu
AniruthBoyLord Krishna’s Grandson
AnantajeetBoyThe victor of infinity; Lord Vishnu; Ever victorious Lord1
AnantajitBoyThe victor of infinity; Lord Vishnu; Ever victorious Lord9
AnantarjotBoyGod’s light6
AnantdevBoyOf immeasurable divinity9
AnanthBoyInfinite; Eternal; Godly; The Earth; Vishnu; Shiva; Another name for Brahma; Endless22
AnanthanBoyName of Lord Murugan1
AnantimBoyTone continued; Not final9
AnantjeetBoyEndless victory9
AnantramBoyEternal God1
AnantvirBoyBoundlessly heroic9
AnanyeBoyThe most honorable Ananye Guru Shri6
AnanyoBoySole; Peerless7
AnasBoyA person who brings you joy and peace of mind, who removes worries of your life8
AnasahBoyFreed slave of prophet8
AnashBoyUndivided; Indestructible; The Sky; Brahman or the supreme spirit7
AnashayBoySelfless; Without any self interest; Unselfish6
AnashinBoyIndestructible; Eternal3
AnashwarBoyThe one who never gets destroyed4
AnashyaBoyIndestructible; Eternal6
AnavBoyOcean; King; Rich; Generous; Kind; Humane11
AnayaBoyWithout a superior; God has shown favour6
AnayeBoyConsort of Goddess Radha, Another name of Lord Ganesh, Without a superior; Another name for Lord Vishnu1
AnbarasanBoyKing of Love8
AnbarasuBoyKing of Love5
AnbuBoyLove; Kindness11
AnbuchelvanBoyKind; King of Love4
AnbumadiBoyKind and intelligent11
AnbutamilBoyBrilliant ; Intelligent3
AnchitBoyHonorable; Someone honored and respected1
AndazBoyIntention; Purpose; Guess; Measure; Opinion1
AndeepBoyModest lamp9
AneekBoyLord Ganesh; Soldier; Many; Light; Army; Face9
AneeqBoyValuable; Neat; Elegant; Smart6
AneesBoyA close friend; Good company; Smart one; Companion; Supreme8
AneeshBoyA close friend; Good company; Smart one; Companion; Supreme; Another name for Krishna and Vishnu7
AneeshkourBoyRelated to God9
AneetBoyJoyful unending; Calmness9
AneethBoyJoyful unending; Calmness; Leader; Artless; Simple8
AnekBoyLord Ganesh; Soldier; Many4
AneshBoyClose friend; Good company; Smart one; Companion; Supreme2
AnfalBoySpoils of war7
AngadBoyAn ornament, Bracelet; Warrior; Beautifully formed9
Angad VeerBoyHeroic brother of the original one5
AngadaBoyAn ornament, Bracelet1
AngadanBoyBrother of Bali and Sugriva6
AngaddevBoyIn service of the original one4
AngajBoySon; Corporeal; Earthly Love; Another name for the Love God Kaaina6
AngamuthuBoyMade of pearls7
AngangBoyGod of Love8
AngaraBoyLord Vishnu; Embers; The planet Mars; Name of a prince of Maruts6
AngirasBoyName of a sage6
AngrajBoyKing of State Ang6
AnhadBoyCelestial music1
AnharBoyLord Krishna6
AnidevBoyFavor; Grace1
AnikBoyLord Ganesh; Soldier; Many; Light; Army; Face8
AnikaitBoyLord of the world; Lord Shiva; Lord of all11
AnikanchanBoyMore than gold4
AnikantBoyBlue jewel7
AnikeshBoyName of Lord Vishnu from Sahasranamam4
AniketBoyLord of the world; Lord Shiva; Lord of all6
AnikethBoyLord of the world; Lord Shiva; Lord of all5
AnilBoyGod of wind; Brilliant; Shining; Fair; Another name for Vishnu and Shiva9
AnilabhBoySpirit of the wind11
AniljotBoyLight of air9
AnilpalBoyImmaculate protector11
AnimaeshBoyBlazing; Vivid7
AnimanBoyUnbounded; Omnipresent; Divine7
AnimashBoyBright; To stare open-eyed; Divine; Omnipresent, Omniscient11
AnimeshBoyBright; To stare open-eyed; Divine; Omnipresent; Omniscient6
AnindithBoyThe blameless one; One with no faults; The perfect human being7
AnindyaBoyBeyond criticism; Praiseworthy; Perfect; Innocent; Handsome; Irreproachable5
AniqBoyValuable; Neat; Elegant; Smart5
AnirbanBoyThe eternal flame; Divine; Immortal5
AniroodhBoyBoundless; Unstoppable; Victorious; Unopposed; An incarnation of Buddha and Vishnu3
AniruddhBoyName of Lord Vishnu with numerological strength7
AniruddhaBoyWhich can’t be restricted; Courageous8
AniruddhanBoyWhich can’t be restricted; Courageous4
AnirudhBoyBoundless; Unstoppable; Victorious; Unopposed; An incarnation of Buddha and Vishnu3
AnirudhaBoyVictorious; Cooperative; Unopposed4
AnirudhhaBoyVictorious; Cooperative; Unopposed3
AnirudraBoyLord Shiva5
AniruduBoyBoundless; Lord Vishnu7
AniruthBoyLord Krishna’s Grandson1

Showing 1501 – 1600 of 2000