Indian Baby Boy Names Starting with A

2000 Indian Boy Names with ‘A’ found
Showing 101 – 200 of 2000

Indian Boy Names with A

AalokBoyLight; Brilliance; Vision4
AalopBoyThat which does not disappear9
AamanBoyPeace; Friendly Disposition; Affection3
AamilBoyInvaluable; Inaccessible; Exalted; Doer9
AamirBoyRuler; Prince; Rich; Prosperous6
AamishBoyHonest; Trustworthy; Pleasing6
AamodBoyPleasure; Serenity; Fragrance7
AamodhBoyPleasure; Serenity; Fragrance6
AamodinBoyHappy; Sweet fragrant; Celebrated3
AamoghBoyUnerring; Lord Ganesha9
AanBoyThe Sun7
AanandBoyJoy; Happiness; Delight8
AananditBoyOne who spreads joy; Joyous; Full of bliss; Happy; Pleased1
AanandswarupBoyFull of Joy7
AananthBoyInfinite; Eternal; Godly; The Earth; Vishnu; Shiva; Another name for Brahma; Endless5
AanantyaBoyEndless; Eternal; Godly5
AanavBoyOcean; King; Rich; Generous; Kind; Humane3
AanayBoyConsort of Goddess Radha, Another name of Lord Ganesh, Without a superior; Another name for Lord Vishnu6
AandaleebBoyNightingale; The Bulbul bird9
AangiBoyDecorating the God; Divine5
AanickBoyAnything extremely small3
AanisBoyClose friend; Good company; Smart one; Companion; Supreme8
AaniyaBoyLord Hanuman; Fulfilment6
AanjaneyaBoyLord Hanuman, Son of Anjana9
AanjayBoyUnconquerable; Unbeatable7
AanshBoyPortion; Day7
AanshalBoyStrong; Mighty; Powerful; One who has strong shoulders; Passionate2
AantyaBoySuccessful; Accomplished8
AanushBoyBeautiful morning; Star; Following a desire1
AaptBoyReliable; Trustworthy; Successful; Logical11
AapuBoyBreath; Faultless; Virtuous; Divine3
AaqibBoyAnother name of prophet Muhammad, Follower3
AaqilBoyWise; Intelligent; Thoughtful; Sensible22
AarBoyLight bringer11
AaradhBoyDeep rapturous Love; Adoration6
AaraizBoyRain bearing cloud11
AaranayBoyBeginning; Starter7
AaranyanBoyJungle; Forest3
AaravBoyPeaceful; Sound; Shout7
AaravjotBoyFreethinker; A person with high ambition7
AardhyBoyA person who is worshiped3
AarfBoyFragrance; Aroma; Perfume8
AarianBoyOf the Aryan race; Ancient; Warrior; Speedy; Another name for Indra; Kind; Benevolent8
AaribBoyHandsome; Healthy22
AarifBoyAcquainted; Knowledgeable8
AariketBoyLord Ganesh; Against desire11
AarikethBoyLord Ganesh; Against desire1
AarinBoyFull of joy; Mountain strength; Ireland; Peace; Sunray7
AarishBoyFirst ray of Sun; Sky11
AaritBoyOne who seeks the right direction; Honoured; Admired; Beloved; Friend22
AarivBoyKing of wisdom6
AarizBoyRespectable Man; Intelligent1
AarjavBoyHonest; Sincere; One who is steadfast in happiness and sorrow8
AarkshBoyOf the stars; Celestial22
AarmanBoyHope or desire; Army Man; Wish3
AarnavBoyOcean; Air; Sun; Wave; Stream; Sea3
Aarnav TejBoyOcean11
AarnaviBoyHeart as big as ocean; Bird3
AarochanBoyShining; Bright; Name of the Sun; Brilliant7
AarohitBoyChatur (Clever)9
AaronBoyExalted high; Enlightened; Lofty; Powerful mountain22
AarpitBoyTo donate; To give or offer something; Offered; Dedicated11
AarshBoyBright; Hero; Truthfulness; Dominion; Crown; Pure; Worshipped; Divine2
AarshabhBoyIt’s another name of Shri Krishna4
AarshinBoyAlmighty’s place; Pious7
AarshviBoyName of Lord Vishnu6
AarthBoyMeaningful; Meaning3
AarudhBoyAscended; Risen; Elevated8
AarukshaBoyFinesse, Charm; Elegance8
AarulBoyThe grace of God; Blessing of God8
AarunyaBoyMerciful; Compassionate9
AarushBoyFirst ray of the Sun; Calm; Red; Brilliant; Another name for the Sun5
AarushfBoyGift from God11
AarvinderBoyOf the God of Heavens11
AaryakBoyKind; Honourable; Noble; Wise3
AaryamanBoyNoble-minded; Aristocratic; Noble; Belonging to the Sun; The Sun; Friend11
AaryanBoyOf the Aryan race; Ancient; Warrior; Speedy; Another name for Indra; Kind; Benevolent6
AaryavBoyNoble person5
AaryaveerBoyBrave Man6
AaryavirBoyBrave Man5
AaryeshBoyThe king of Arya5
AaryikBoyRespected; Masterful11
AarzamBoyWar; Battle; Quarrel6
AarzooBoyWish; Hope; Love4
AarzuBoyWish; Hope; Love22
AasaalBoyEvening time; Real; Pure8
AasavBoyLiquor; Essence; Distilled; Wine8
AashangBoyLoyal; Affectionate6
AalokBoyLight; Brilliance; Vision
AalopBoyThat which does not disappear
AamanBoyPeace; Friendly Disposition; Affection
AamilBoyInvaluable; Inaccessible; Exalted; Doer
AamirBoyRuler; Prince; Rich; Prosperous
AamishBoyHonest; Trustworthy; Pleasing
AamodBoyPleasure; Serenity; Fragrance
AamodhBoyPleasure; Serenity; Fragrance
AamodinBoyHappy; Sweet fragrant; Celebrated
AamoghBoyUnerring; Lord Ganesha
AanBoyThe Sun
AanandBoyJoy; Happiness; Delight
AananditBoyOne who spreads joy; Joyous; Full of bliss; Happy; Pleased
AanandswarupBoyFull of Joy
AananthBoyInfinite; Eternal; Godly; The Earth; Vishnu; Shiva; Another name for Brahma; Endless
AanantyaBoyEndless; Eternal; Godly
AanavBoyOcean; King; Rich; Generous; Kind; Humane
AanayBoyConsort of Goddess Radha, Another name of Lord Ganesh, Without a superior; Another name for Lord Vishnu
AandaleebBoyNightingale; The Bulbul bird
AangiBoyDecorating the God; Divine
AanickBoyAnything extremely small
AanisBoyClose friend; Good company; Smart one; Companion; Supreme
AaniyaBoyLord Hanuman; Fulfilment
AanjaneyaBoyLord Hanuman, Son of Anjana
AanjayBoyUnconquerable; Unbeatable
AanshBoyPortion; Day
AanshalBoyStrong; Mighty; Powerful; One who has strong shoulders; Passionate
AantyaBoySuccessful; Accomplished
AanushBoyBeautiful morning; Star; Following a desire
AaptBoyReliable; Trustworthy; Successful; Logical
AapuBoyBreath; Faultless; Virtuous; Divine
AaqibBoyAnother name of prophet Muhammad, Follower
AaqilBoyWise; Intelligent; Thoughtful; Sensible
AarBoyLight bringer
AaradhBoyDeep rapturous Love; Adoration
AaraizBoyRain bearing cloud
AaranayBoyBeginning; Starter
AaranyanBoyJungle; Forest
AaravBoyPeaceful; Sound; Shout
AaravjotBoyFreethinker; A person with high ambition
AardhyBoyA person who is worshiped
AarfBoyFragrance; Aroma; Perfume
AarianBoyOf the Aryan race; Ancient; Warrior; Speedy; Another name for Indra; Kind; Benevolent
AaribBoyHandsome; Healthy
AarifBoyAcquainted; Knowledgeable
AariketBoyLord Ganesh; Against desire
AarikethBoyLord Ganesh; Against desire
AarinBoyFull of joy; Mountain strength; Ireland; Peace; Sunray
AarishBoyFirst ray of Sun; Sky
AaritBoyOne who seeks the right direction; Honoured; Admired; Beloved; Friend
AarivBoyKing of wisdom
AarizBoyRespectable Man; Intelligent
AarjavBoyHonest; Sincere; One who is steadfast in happiness and sorrow
AarkshBoyOf the stars; Celestial
AarmanBoyHope or desire; Army Man; Wish
AarnavBoyOcean; Air; Sun; Wave; Stream; Sea
Aarnav TejBoyOcean
AarnaviBoyHeart as big as ocean; Bird
AarochanBoyShining; Bright; Name of the Sun; Brilliant
AarohitBoyChatur (Clever)
AaronBoyExalted high; Enlightened; Lofty; Powerful mountain
AarpitBoyTo donate; To give or offer something; Offered; Dedicated
AarshBoyBright; Hero; Truthfulness; Dominion; Crown; Pure; Worshipped; Divine
AarshabhBoyIt’s another name of Shri Krishna
AarshinBoyAlmighty’s place; Pious
AarshviBoyName of Lord Vishnu
AarthBoyMeaningful; Meaning
AarudhBoyAscended; Risen; Elevated
AarukshaBoyFinesse, Charm; Elegance
AarulBoyThe grace of God; Blessing of God
AarunyaBoyMerciful; Compassionate
AarushBoyFirst ray of the Sun; Calm; Red; Brilliant; Another name for the Sun
AarushfBoyGift from God
AarvinderBoyOf the God of Heavens
AaryakBoyKind; Honourable; Noble; Wise
AaryamanBoyNoble-minded; Aristocratic; Noble; Belonging to the Sun; The Sun; Friend
AaryanBoyOf the Aryan race; Ancient; Warrior; Speedy; Another name for Indra; Kind; Benevolent
AaryavBoyNoble person
AaryaveerBoyBrave Man
AaryavirBoyBrave Man
AaryeshBoyThe king of Arya
AaryikBoyRespected; Masterful
AarzamBoyWar; Battle; Quarrel
AarzooBoyWish; Hope; Love
AarzuBoyWish; Hope; Love
AasaalBoyEvening time; Real; Pure
AasavBoyLiquor; Essence; Distilled; Wine
AashangBoyLoyal; Affectionate

Showing 101 – 200 of 2000